Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
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they look awesome
are they only available in Japan? -
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@Mister_Brue ...and the price tag to go with the Mt. Fuji hangers
self edge sells their jean hangers
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1200 pounds ????
holy sh…. -
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@Daniel-San I have a feeling that most of us would receive a beating with that hanger whilst the significant other is on the phone calling a divorce attorney.
I guess too
But if you have bespoke suits for 10000 bucks it might be ok to pay 1200 for a awesome hanger . -
@Daniel-San if the bespoke suit cost $10k I’d be pissed if they charged me for the hangers
@goosehd said in Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?:
@Daniel-San I have a feeling that most of us would receive a beating with that hanger whilst the significant other is on the phone calling a divorce attorney.
I was once at a photography workshop and the teacher was stressing the importance of a tri-pod,when someone asked him how much should you spend on a tri-pod? And he said as much as you can without getting a divorce.
@Jett129 I’ve followed that same advice, twice; never regretted it!
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I made two jeans hangers out of Oak a few years ago , do a tidy job.To hang shirts/jackets I’ve got some black wooden ones from Dunelm.
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@Jcaz6996 Nice!
Beautiful @Jcaz6996 … they look sturdy!
I use these pattern hooks that I got locally from Imogene + Willie here in Nashville. I've tried to source different ones or even make my own, but for $3 a piece they are hard to beat.