IHSW-45-BLK - Windproof Stand Up Collar Sweater - Black
I wish….
@sabergirl details please!!!
Scooped it up on eBay, @Fadez . I was looking at the pics and noticed the cuff detail and texture and took a chance. The hood is a double layer with the water resistant part on both faces! It’s crazy warm and heavy. Even though I always wear long sleeves in the air conditioning at work, it’s borderline too hot right now.
@sabergirl yep, material sure looks the same as my wind sweater. Nice find!
@sabergirl has one, now I have one, too - an IHSW-45-BLK HOODIE.
I was also browsing eBay. Wondering where all the Japanese sellers on there get their stuff from, I ended up on one of these proxy websites, in this case buyee.jp. They provide access to Yahoo and Rakuten as well as a platform Mercari, that's where I found it.
The hoodie wasn't pictured very clearly, but the distinctive cuffs gave it away. Size XL, and it arrived just in time before we leave for Texel after Christmas.@Alex or @Giles - can you please ask Haraki how many of these are around?
@sabergirl said in IHSW-45-BLK - Windproof Stand Up Collar Sweater - Black:
So. I asked once if this material had ever been used to make a hoodie, and Giles said no.
I stand very corrected. Sorry......
@sabergirl It's pretty crazy. I was on the hunt for a black loopwheel hoodie, when this came across. For the technical garment it is, it is surprisingly soft and cozy. But the intermediate layer makes funny noises!
I think this is one of the pieces that you don't understand unless you have tried them on, and I'm happy I have. -
High praise for the IHSW-45 material. A windproof sweater is really something else.
We're in Texel at the moment, 7c/45f weather.
Used it for some yard work with only a tee underneath, cutting down some bushes and small trees. I sweated.
Used it as a jacket with a UHF on a hike today - kept me warm. -
This is the hoodie that lives in my car. Two days before Helene there was a torrential downpour for half a day that led to horrific flash-flooding. When I had to leave work and found myself caught in the pouring rain driving a coworker home through the most affected areas, I was wearing this hoodie. I managed to somehow stay dry-ish and warm through multiple trips in and out of the car to assess floodwater depth, load/unload a bicycle, and attempt to dissuade said crazy coworker from fording the floodwaters on foot. It was the most intense weather I directly experienced during the (hopefully) most intense weather event that my hometown will ever have. When I got inside, safe at home, I shook the water off this hoodie, and hung it up. It was dry the next day, and went right back in the car for future adventure.
@sabergirl Helluva good story and memories.
@sabergirl I thought you let it go because the fabric attracted lint/animal hair? Is this slightly different in some way.
Love the hoodie feature.