Random questions to which you seek an answer
@Mister_Brue Good spot! I am working on the new Hall of Fades as we speak. It will be maintained/regularly updated better than the current version.
Have sorted the above, thanks.
Anybody able to explain the difference between original 14oz and the 142 denim? I know the weft is double-twisted, but wondering how this affects the end product. Based on IG posts it seems that the Japanese market stuck with the original 14oz, curious why that might be.
888s vs. 1955s
The 888s has more taper from the knee down, but how do these cuts compare in the top block? I've heard the 1955s has a slightly higher rise, but am interested in understanding any other differences. Thanks, John
@JohnM the 1955 and the 888 are very similar, the 1955's are slightly higher in the rise and wider in the leg.
Comparison of the main cuts found here: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/content/cut-comparison
@Bailey said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
@JohnM the 1955 and the 888 are very similar, the 1955's are slightly higher in the rise and wider in the leg.
Comparison of the main cuts found here: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/content/cut-comparison
You can also do comparisons on the website, see here:
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum//post/7686I've done one for you, see here:
https://www.ironheart.co.uk/module/leofeature/productscompare?list=230,1478Some tag sizes visible below:
^ Thanks Bailey and Alex. I was just comparing sizes 35 and 36 in these two cuts (though it applies to all sizes). The waist is quite a bit larger on the 1955s compared with the 888s -- more than 1" larger. Curious if you might know why this is. Based on the charts, one could easily size down in the 1955s compared to the 888s -- agree?
Ideas for what I could use for a new fade comp
Weights, denim types, item types ....any advice is welcome -
@IRONGARR welcome to the forum. FYI I have moved your post to this thread.
Take a look at the cut comparison to get an idea of the different core cuts:
Ideally, you want to measure a pair of denim that fits you well, as described here:
As far as denim weight goes, the 21oz is a great place to start imo. Check out the Indigo Invitational threads from past years for additional ideas and inspiration:
@Alex Got it -- there is variation from run to run and you guys have been great at providing actual measurements -- appreciated.
Would you attribute the chart waist differential between the 888s and 1955s mostly to this (run to run variation) or would you guess the 1955s's waist does tend to run larger than the 888s's? Just curious, no problem if there's no way to know.
@JoshC I'd 100% buy a 21oz cap
How should you size a trucker jacket to fit? How do you all feel it should fit, generally? Loose and baggy, or slim and fitted?
I'm eyeing the IH-526-ODG and trying to work out my size. I feel a trucker should fit quite slim to the body, but with enough room to wear a layer like a flannel underneath. I don't have to button up over a layer often, it rarely gets that cold here - I'm so jealous of you all layered up in cold snowy conditions while I'm sweating in shorts and a t-shirt.
I've got an old Jean Shop type III (un-modified) trucker, that's only just too small. It's OK open or with just a thin t-shirt, but if I wear a flannel or sweater as a layer and do the jacket up, it's like a sausage casing and pulling across the chest.
The Jean Shop has a P2P of 22.25" and a shoulder of 19.5". I'm thinking the IH-526-ODG in XXXL is about right for me with a P2P of 22.7" and shoulder of 20.7". Would that give me that little extra room for layering and movement, but not get too loose? Would it still be too tight? I think the 4XL is too big in comparison, especially in the other measurements.
Final thought, I just picked up the IHSH-372-BRN in XXL (my first IH piece), measured P2P of 23.25" and shoulder of 20", fit's pretty perfectly. How do you size your heavy flannels vs a Type III? Is it normal to go for a smaller P2P on the trucker than the flannel?
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@Mister_Brue the 372 is pretty spot on. I could lose a few fractions of an inch on the P2P, but not much.
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@ManiacLachy Sizing is all dependant on each run and how the measurements come out for that specific release. I have many UHF’s and Type III’s that are the same tag size (but the shoulder and chest measurement’s) are different.
For each item, I look at the measurements and say if I want to size up or size down. For example:
You say that your 372 with a P2P or 23.25 and shoulder of 20” fits perfectly. A type III with the same measurement would be tight over the UHF and therefore I would size up if I was going to layer. If only wearing over a T-shirt you may be fine keeping the same tag size.
You have a great starting point where you know how you want your shirts to fit. Now the key is to figure out if you want the same in a jacket or a looser fit.
Use those measurements (from the 372) and work from there.
Thanks @Mister_Brue and @goosehd
I'm definitely looking at the measurements and comparing to what I have, rather than going simply by tag size. I feel the XXXL is right for me, when compared to how my Jean Shop fits. I did a layer test with the 372 and the Jean Shop a few minutes ago, I can button it up, it's tight though and I wouldn't plan to wear it that way. If I got caught out in an unexpectedly colder situation it would work though.
I guess I was looking to see how aimed for their trucker fit vs flannel, and for some peace of mind that I wasn't wildly off base in my comparisons.