IHSH-53 - 12oz Raw Selvedge Indigo Work Shirt
I say soak…it's not really feasible (in my opinion) for a piece of clothing to never touch water.
Looking good rocket, cris and G.
Any advantages to not soaking this shirt before wearing it for awhile? Of course it's gonna happen eventually, but would waiting and wearing it raw have any advantages? Seems as if the general thoughts so far have been to soak first but I am just curious as to why.
soak gets the shrinkage out & gets the denim to relax a bit & mold to you body a bit better. it also probably helps to not pop the freckin' lovely sew job done on this.
of course no technical knowledge just from hanging around the rest of these
denimquality freaks -
i want to love this shirt but something about it doesn't work when i put it on.
never the less a dope shirt & the usual Iron Heart over the top attention to detail & such