Miniatures: 'The Hobby', 'Plastic Crack', and other tiny things
Phish plays a soccer stadium known as Dicks Sporting Goods Park every year, and because my friends and I are totally mature, we 3D print out Dicks to hand out to concertgoers.
This year includes, for the first time, dickwhistles of various shapes, colors, and sizes.
And then there’s the Bag o’ Dicks
@mclaincausey There is something not right about you….and I love it
On a normal note kinda got into car model builds
After seeing an actual z at the Ginza showroom in Japan, really want a manual right hand drive 70s-80s mode with a wide body kitl. So until that happens, just playing around with the plastic version.
Just found this thread. Always wanted to play 40K which was always out of reach for me budget wise. Finally started learning the game and hobby in the fall in preparation for 10th edition. Heres a couple I just worked on this weekend
Mrs is once again reminded of what a cool bastard she married when this rocked up today…..
We need to bring this thread back to life…here’s what I worked on since about this time last year
I’ve got a bunch more I just need to find photos from. Basically have painted up about 2500 points worth of world eaters at this point in time
This post is deleted!
@Mister_Brue thank you! It’s really hard to put “art” in front of people who may not like what you do.
Been painting for just a year but I feel I’ve kind of found my way with it. I started collecting a second army while I wrap up the last bits of this one and continue learning how to play.