Unpopular opinions
Wait what the hell, last time I checked IH didn’t make any jeans with stretch. When did these bad boys come out?! My mind is blown lol
@chbronsonx I have tried lighter weight stuff from other makers, there is something about the lack of stretch that sort of hurts my knees and back when I’m moving around or sitting.
@phillyforager said in Unpopular opinions:
Wait what the hell, last time I checked IH didn’t make any jeans with stretch. When did these bad boys come out?! My mind is blown lol
Not sure of your cut but they did a lot of cuts in the denim
Prefer rake and shovel to leaf and snow blower
I never liked any of the current popular TV shows like The Sopranos, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, etc.
I enjoyed Breaking Bad, but never watched any of those other shows. Not because I didn't like them, but just because I don't have the time or desire to start and watch a 5+ season show at this point in my life. Especially ones where I keep hearing something along the lines of "you just have to get through the first couple seasons, then in the middle of season three it starts to get good!"
Hard pass to that.
Other shows that fall into that category for me are Lost and Mad Men.
@Matt rewatched all of Frasier recently that was a good time. The haunting of hill house was great. Dexter was good.
@pechelman I actually agree with you there. It definitely should have ended then.
@pechelman that’s exactly when I stopped.
Breaking Bad took a while for me to get into but it definitely paid off. I actually never watched Sopranos. Game of Thrones was a favorite of ours but the last season was meh. I feel like that’s actually a show that could have benefited from more seasons as the final season felt rushed. Haven’t watched House of Dragons.
I hate Coldplay and think Kid A might be better than OK Computer, and In Rainbows was good.
Game of Thrones was good for a few seasons but I lost interest. And from what I heard about the final season I’m glad I did. The same thing happened reading the Wheel of Time series. I guess I’m not an epic fantasy guy even though I read a ton of it when I was younger and enjoyed the LotR trilogy.
Breaking Bad was a slow start and I can see how it could be a challenge to get into. But it’s also the best drama ever created in any video medium if you give it the attention it deserves.
UnpopOp 1: zombies, vampires, superheroes… played out. We need new, creative ideas on the silver screen.
UnpopOp 2: this oughta trigger the forum: the world also has enough doom metal bands with inscrutable logos
@seawolf said in Unpopular opinions:
And Radiohead hasn't made a good album since OK Computer.
I'm deleting my forum account but not before i delete all my posts that don't have upvotes
@GraemeE I see what you did there.
@mclaincausey Unpopular opinion addendum: Admittedly, Rainbows has some good tracks. However, a good album does that not make.