IHSW-29 - 14oz Ultra Heavyweight Loopwheel Collarless Zip Up Sweater - Black
@Alex old topic but nevertheless… hoping for a re-stock!
@JoshC PLEEEEASE make my Christmas wish come true
Just adding to this old thread with an update … thanks to @cityofdelusion i landed one in XXL from the buyee.jp auction site. Excuse the dirty mirror, the shop needs a cleaning.
Couldn’t be any happier. Thanks again my man, appreciate you reaching out to give me the heads up!
If anyone deserves the possibly one and only size XXL IHSW-29 in the world, it's definitely you. Wear in health, it looks great on you!
@tody Thanks brother, I’m super stoked!
One of my most used IH piece to this day. Found another one - maybe the last on earth? - in the same exact size, almost totally new. Bought it immediately.
And it gets even better: The one I originally bought a few years ago (right) had only one zipper. The newly purchased one (left) comes with a two-way zipper. I don't usually buy the same thing twice when it comes to IH, but this one deserves to be used both at home and at work.
@cityofdelusion If it‘s got a different zipper, technically it is not the same thing
@cityofdelusion that’s fantastic, great score! The two way zipper is a great feature, so now you have the best of both worlds.
I’d actually buy another xxl if I could find one (just to have back up). I wear this piece the most of any Iron Heart I own. I’m surprised it doesn’t get more air time here.