Hair loss --
-- your thoughts, philosophy, experience and treatment of it -- and luck therefrom?
Just curious, and this place is as good as any to bring up.
@indigostiff My widow's peak has started to recede like a glacier.
My doctor recommended iron tables.
It's only been a couple of weeks taking them, so cannot comment on the impact yet.
Good luck.
PS if all else fails - embrace it and channel Bruce Willis
Could be an opportunity to start a hat collection
I have no related self esteem issues but am somewhat scared of skin cancer so I almost always wear a hat outdoors.
Keep hair short, and what you save in shampoo you’ll spend on extra face wash!
Can anyone weigh on the supposition that the genes the determine the extent to which a man loses his hair come from his mother's side of the family?
My hairline is undeniably creeping back at 34, but my mum's dad and three brothers were all totally bald in their late 20, so at the very least, I inherited some of dad's father's good hair genes.
@T4920 it's complicated:
"Whereas accurate predictions for an individual are still relatively crude, of those with a genetic score in the top 10% of the distribution, 58% reported moderate-to-severe hair loss."
My paternal grandfather, father and uncle all have/had the same pattern hair loss as me. Super thick until late 20's early 30's, then the widows peak started to get more pronounced and then it started falling out of the crown too. My maternal grandfather had a good head of hair until he died. I'm hoping that Alex got his hair from his mum and not me.
There's always the option of a weekend in Istanbul.
When I was returning from Istanbul there was at least 15 guys departing at the airport who had had it done, who were all pretty youngish.
Embrace it, keep your hair short and wear a hat in the sun. Might be over sharing a little but I’m dealing with what is probably skin cancer at the moment on my head, and I wear a hat pretty often. I’ll be doing it more going forwards.
@T4920 said in Hair loss --:
Can anyone weigh on the supposition that the genes the determine the extent to which a man loses his hair
I did 23andme a couple of years back. It gave me a high likelihood of not experiencing a bald spot or receding hairline before age 40, both of which are true. (I'm 38 and still have every single follicle working at maximum capacity, as far as I can tell.)
None of my other family members have done it, but my dad has 'classic' male pattern baldness (the horseshoe of hair going around the sides and back, nothing up top). My little brother's hairline is receding. Both have far more body and facial hair than me (indicating a possible link between baldness and having higher testosterone).
My dad's brother still has all his hair though.
On my dad's side of the family more widely, some of my male cousins are losing their hair, some are completely unaffected (like me).
@T4920 said in Hair loss --:
come from his mother's side of the family?
My maternal grandfather is 85 this year and still has great hair. So do his sons (my uncles) at early and mid sixties. All my cousins on my mother's side are women.
But if it was that simple as looking at your mother's father, why is my little brother losing his hair and I am not?
All of which is to say, genetics and heritability is somewhat complicated. For a good book on the topic (of genetic heritability, not baldness) I'd recommend Blueprint by Robert Plomin.
Dutasteride (oral), Minoxidil (oral and topical), RU58841 (topical), Vitamin D (oral). Dutasteride helps lower your DHT, which the prostate produces and which binds to your hair follicles, slowly kills them - but it sometimes has side effects (impotence) - and oftentimes doesn't. Isn't FDA approved yet, as its earlier Finasteride cousin is.
@EdH said in Hair loss --:
I'm 38 and still have every single follicle working at maximum capacity, as far as I can tell
I'm sure everyone on here is really happy for you
more facial hair than me
also, looking at your marvelous moustache I find this hard to believe
@Oaktavia Be careful: