Good Art Hollywood
@Oaktavia Hilarious!
Looks cool, like snake skin -
@Danimal506 I was just thinking it looked like a snake too.
@sabergirl haha just from wearing it 24/7
Hard to get a decent picture, but here’s the wear on my pendant.
Is there anyone out there with a BLB and spring clip size B? I’m trying to see how those two match up. I’m considering getting a spring clip for my BLB but I’m not sure what size A or B would be better..
@Kasi awesome thanks!
Both sizes fit and move freely thru the BLB tho correct? And do you think a goosebumps version would bind? Or move freely? -
@Brock Personally I prefer the look of the size ‘B’ Spring Ring with the BLB. It just fills the noodle better, and works just perfectly. I then have keys on the brass GAH keyring.
nice! Thank you. -
BLB and Spring Ring is such a good combo
To be honest they look cool but aren’t that functional. They cover the pairing button and when you let them dangle like from a BLB on your pants the weight of the silver on the lid can make it open. I’ve never had the silver pop off on its own but the lid opens and the air pods can fall out.
I don’t use my AirPods daily, only take them with me on vacations or long drives so they hang off a backpack kind of tucked into another pocket so I don’t have to worry about that and I know right where they are.. as far as the wireless charging I don’t know. Never tried.
I think the new version of them might not cover the pairing button but I’m not sure