SExIH07 Jeans (Indigo, Black)
Per jaco's request (a couple of SR pics in the Annie thread), here are the photos of repairs + gave them a wash this morning after stepping in a foot deep puddle/hole on Friday.
Picture overload.
Pocketbags re-stitched
And patch love. In desperate need of some conditioner, but will get some this week.
And as far as the holes, some aren't easy/worth fixing (the coin pocket for example), some I just don't care about fixing. Wabi-sabi. These turned a year old on the 7th. About 10.5 months or so of wear.
thanks for the images doug. i swear the denim on these jeans feels so smooth & silky compared to the denim on my Devil's:
think i might start wearing these abit more as the fit is great. if i could change anything on them, since i know you all care, i would put the middle belt loop off center (like the dc4's) & get the front pockets reinforced like the devil's & dc4's. i know you all cared
started july 7th, 2010…
bumping this old thread/post for beauty and because the story behind these jeans is amazing
very true with the great story part about those jeans. & where has LoD been anyway?
you been wearing yours jaco? i have mine just folded at the bottom of a draw. maybe i'll start wearing them in the next 5 years or so.
i have to get ride of denim
just way too much, but of course there are worse problems to have
I should never have slept on these