Random questions to which you seek an answer
I imagine that the great majority want to show off how much time they spend at the gym etc…
Just a theory I'm working on at the moment, given the large amount of over-sized body parts/tight white T's on display whenever there is a scrap of sun around.
And why just plain white t-shirts?..
/rant over
Yea, but too small clothes, jeez. And usually skinnier the wearer, tighter the clothes…
Plain white Tees are the shit.
Seriously, even slightest tan usually shows when contrasted with white. Tight T shows the muscles, sigh..
(says one who has come to an age where the muscular weight starts to vanish...) -
I'm with you IJ, pretty much everyone here in LA wears clothes that are way too tight…I blame it on the
entertainment business, everyone wants to copy actors/musicians/celebs who seem to set the fashion
In the words of the late great Oscar Wilde " It's personalities, not principals that rule the age..."Plain white tees rule.
I'm going to e-mail him and have him read this thread…
it was fun. it was a food network sponsored something or the other with all the folks doing meet & greats & pushing their goods.
the wife enjoyed it & that is all i cared about
ok jaco.
we are in august, so . . . .
no mad face