IHSH-304-RED - Ultra Heavy Flannel Western Shirt - Ombré Check - Red
If anyone's interested I just took some pre and post wash measurements. I have 3 other Iron Heart shirts that are all mediums but this one I ordered in large with intention of shrinking. I requested a shirt that was on the smaller side in the shoulders and arms.
The shirt was washed warm and tumbled dried hot.
| | Pre (inches) | Post |
| Shoulders | 17.75 | 17 |
| Length | 29.25 | 28 |
| Chest | 22 | 21.5 |
| Sleeve | 26 | 25 |Fortunately it shrank the perfect amount. I love the shirt and it makes me wonder why I would buy any other brand. It's so warm it almost feels like wool.
(Please excuse the bathroom pic)
Did the chest and shoulders stretch back out after wearing it? I found that to be the case.
@paymar @Griffwald both doing this bad boy justice. You both make me want to break my no new shirt rule.
I could use some fit check advice here. I'm torn… Do I go with L and hope it doesn't shrink too much, or go XL and hope it shrinks quite a bit?
Keeping with the bathroom selfie theme here...
I generally prefer a slimmer fit… I'm also packing a few extra pounds these days, which isn't terribly flattering.