IHSH-306-BLK - Melton Wool CPO Shirt - Black
If I didnt have a cat that is white and extremely fluffy this would be the one for me
If I didnt have a cat that is white and extremely fluffy this would be the one for me
@Paul9221 yup
If I didnt have a cat that is white and extremely fluffy this would be the one for me
For some reason this reminded me of one of my childhood jobs - Sellotaping the cushions to remove white cat hairs. I guess the same technique would work for a CPO and the Melton should be claw-proof. The other option is dyeing your cat black
@ARNC ah the new IH-CAT–OD - good plan
I don't get why more people aren't clamoring for this CPO, I love a good wool shirt
Personally, I'm trying to decide between this and the 305. I'm leaning towards the 305.
If I do the 305 I'll probably go red, but that's just me
I hope this shirt has button pimping options, because as much as I love the shirt, I think I'm in a minority of people that don't love the larger copper buttons versus the permex hd snaps
Glad to hear it @Giles, appreciate the info
This will be way warmer than the blanket lined CPO.
It is basically a re-run of this:
Unlined, and I'd guess about 16oz
If I didnt have a cat that is white and extremely fluffy this would be the one for me
It certainly doesn't help.
I'm going between this and the blanket lined denim CPO…
I can't help you out with the Melton wool CPO, but the blanket lined denim one is cosy, and a great layering piece, but not super warm. The denim is only a light 8oz. I wear it over a tee as a jacket in 14-18C, less than that I need something over it, but it is very well designed so that this is possible.
I have the first iteration of this. From 2010, I think. I don’t know if this version is exactly the same but it’s probably similar.
Layering is tricky. Since it’s wool it’s itchy. If you are at all sensitive to wool you won’t want to wear just a t shirt under it. Also, the arms are narrow which means it’s difficult to wear a UHF under it. I have skinny arms and usually wear mine over a light weight flannel. My IHW-01 is the same size as my shirts. Obviously, layering will be easier if you size up.
It’s warm but there is no loft like in the prima loft products which means it won’t trap lots of air. If you are looking for maximum insulation I would recommend the prima loft. But I think this one has a much better style.
Wearing a light flannel, the IHW-01 and the IHJ-12 was good for walking around in temperatures around freezing.
Is this part of the shipment that is stuck in China, or is this one coming later?