IRON HEART FORUM MIGRATION - Help Us Make the New Forum Even Better
Is there any way to collapse topic categories on the home page? I was able to do that on the old forum but I don’t see a way to do it now.
Also is there a night mode option?
@xtcclassic we can't collapse topic boards at this time but it's definitely something I imagine we'll be able to implement. Same goes for Night Mode, we're aiming to be able to give you a choice of themes to select from
Not sure if this has been mentioned already but all the links from the shop to the forum are not working anymore...
Yeah it’s alive
@endo said in IRON HEART FORUM MIGRATION - Help Us Make the New Forum Even Better:
sorry, probably dumb dad questions
- where do I see all threats?
They’re all around you.
@ARNC if you look at the upper right of a persons post you’ll see a little dot. In your profile you can set your status (eg green is online). Im not sure if there’s a way for it to auto set but you can manually set it from there. If it doesn’t auto set then it’s up to the users discretion how they’d like to be seen. I think.
Love the look of the new forum. Is there an app for our mobiles or just dial up the website ?
@deanclean no dedicated app, but you can add to your homescreen for easy access. I explain in more detail here
New forum is beautiful and so far working well for me. I do miss Recent posts showing previews of the posts themselves though instead of having to click in to them. Only mentioned because that was the main way I read the site.
Kudos to the web minions!
Awesome. That is better. I forgot about adding links to home screen on mobile. This will work great. Thank you.