Indigo Invitational Y3
They can be entered , it says "all styles and denims"
I was thinking of them when I decided to take part in Y3 , but not knowing when the restock will be and the
fact that they might be unwearable in summer made me switch to the 18oz.
Now I will think about them again …..It's OK to miss a few dozen days IMO… @alexswords placed during Y1 and he had to change his size of his XHSib months into the competition if I remember correctly.
The 18oz is a great option too though! Have fun deciding that but don't think too hard compadre!
Few more weeks to go!
I’m still undecided, but 80% sure I’ll join this yr
@Jcaz6996 surprised you didn’t place higher your pair looks amazing!
Cheers @RoxRocks86 means a lot
When Y2 finished was adamant I wasn’t going to enter Y3 because of the whole voting system.
If I remember correctly 358 people finished the competition.
Then it went to a small panel of judges for the top 50 then public vote on indigo invitational FB page that was a joke
Where the page had 1600 followers then jumped to 3300ish as friends and family were voting lol.
Indigoinvitational soon realising what was happening and pulled the plug on the public vote
To then who entered as of day 1 could vote via email for there favourite 10I don’t agree with contestants voting as a load of contestants are part of denim community’s look at how many malaysia & Thailand there was in the top 50 alone and others have massive social media following so I thought it was biased just my opinion.
Think it should be different stages of external judging.
Panel of judges for top 50
Judges for top 16 then 4 Wild cards chosen by you the founders
Then judges for the final.
But now I don’t care I enjoyed the whole experience committing to one pair and wearing them as much as I could for 365 days to see what I could do to my pair of XHSIB’s I couldn’t of wore them anymore 365/365
4980hoursJust got to look at the winner Harry his XHS are insane they are literally perfect to good and he only wore them casually
Ah, so that’s what happened. I remember seeing some commotion in regards to the voting system on FB, but didn’t pay much attention to any of it. Had no idea it was that big of a mess.
You’re right contestants shouldn’t be able to vote at all for obvious reasons & 3rd party judges should be a standard. How’d they handle everything in the end? Hopefully everything has been sorted and improvements have been made for a fair judging system for this upcoming comp.
Similar to you @Jcaz6996 , I’m most interested in seeing the outcome of what wearing a pair consistently for a year would look like. I rotate often so joining IIY3 would help hold me accountable to one pair, or so I hope. Plus, it looks like more women are joining in on the fun too which is cool.
@Jcaz6996 yes that was an accurate recollection of how that all went down. It seemed kind of like a popularity contest at times, especially toward the end.
But to echo what @RoxRocks86 stated, the end goal of course is to have a pair of heavily faded jeans in the fastest way possible.
Just make sure your pair fits properly! My pair from last year is too small for me (or the cut is not for my lower half). So I have a pair of nicely faded Elephants but they are a display piece for the foreseeable future.
This would be fun to do, but the timing isn't great. Started wearing the slub type II one month ago and my daily 888 21oz SST's are nowhere near retirement. Good luck to the competitors, hope the rules are a bit more denim-focused this time.
@RoxRocks86 in the end the process was small panel of judges pick the top 50
Then the contestants pick the top 16 and Dave and Bryan pick 4 wild cards
Then another panel of judges pick the prize winners..My XHSib are the first pair of jeans I’ve faded , it was new to me just before Y2 and my understanding was i got a physical job working on site as a carpenter working long hours so I’m definitely going to give these jeans a beating . Wearing them every day as long as I could at the end had blowouts in plenty of places probably soapy soaked them to much with I think 5 .
I think it was judged more about how pretty they looked lol instead of wearing the crap out of them..I was happy I got into the top 50 top 20 would of been amazing.
But like I mentioned in my previous post love the whole process monthly updates and committing to wearing them every day so probably do it all again ,the same as last year but hold off from washing until the end if I can ..I think it would be great to have you in Y3
@Oaktavia yeh it’s definitely that . As long as you focus on your own pair and don’t worry about others you’re have an incredible pair of jeans at the end of the year I think that’s the main goal .
Right exactly! I remember hearing someone talking about fading in general saying something like having two pairs at once- one pair as the main pair that is worn most of the time and a secondary pair that is worn anytime the primary pair isn't worn. Like a main pair and and a side pair. That's what I do…
IMO another "problem" (at least for me) is that the majority prefers the (very) high contrast fades, bordering to looking like pre-distressed jeans. And some of these fades look helped/faked (although that was worth with Y1).
I prefer the more natural looking fades (so called vintage fades) coming with more ergular washing. Apparently they want to honour these kind of fades this year. I'll be joining with a pair of Denime jeans, so an Osaka5 brand. Normal weight denim.
And some of these fades look helped/faked
I prefer the more natural looking fades (so called vintage fades) coming with more ergular washing. Apparently they want to honour these kind of fades this year. I'll be joining with a pair of Denime jeans, so an Osaka5 brand. Normal weight denim.
I never said anything on the Instagram page or the Facebook group last year BUT there were some suspicious looking ultra-high contrast fades that I didn't even understand.
I'm full of opinions this week, and to add, I think a combination of high contrast AND vintage looking fades looks the best. A blend of both looks not only realistic but also super lived in. Like a lot of what we see here on the forum.
I prefer the more natural looking fades (so called vintage fades) coming with more ergular washing. Apparently they want to honour these kind of fades this year. I'll be joining with a pair of Denime jeans, so an Osaka5 brand. Normal weight denim.
Heh, had I known that, I might have entered my 777N after all, a mere 17oz and comfortable the moment you put them on. Given the popularity of extreme contrast and definition, I decided last week to just start wearing them.
I dig vintage fades as well as some degree of contrast and especially texture (visible AND tactile), so I find myself somewhere in-between like Oaktavia. That said, I don't launder my jeans often, so we'll see what happens with these. I couldn't be happier with my 666S-18 and think Haraki really nailed the vintage aspect of that fabric.
@Noahf Y3 is going to be different even though there not getting rid of the public vote it’s a great competition to enter with submitting monthly updates via email following them on Instagram and following everyone’s progress.
Getting to that finish line and having a great pair of fades at the end …Y2 voting was this :
The Steps to Victory
There are a few steps from the final submissions to the podium:
Thomas from Denimhunters and Dave from Japanologue will help the founders pick a Top 50.
We will then post the Top 50 collages in the Facebook group. Members of the group will vote for their favourites.
The Top 16 will automatically go on to the next round. The Founders will select 4 deserving wildcard pairs to round out the top 20.
The 20 finalists will be reviewed by our panel of judges. The judges will deliberate and pick our winners.
The Founders will then select spot prize and raffle prize winners. All winners will be announced shortly thereafter.But Y3 is slightly different with removing the public FB vote :
A Fair and Secure Voting System
Only registered competitors can vote
Voting will take place on the Indigo Invitational website (link below)
Each competitor can vote for their favourite 10 pairs
16 pairs with the most votes will go to our judging panel
4 pairs will be selected by the founders to go to the judging panel -
Registration accomplished
Jeans still at hemming, hope they arrive soon -
to be realistic, I want to wear them as much as possible.
Mostly at work , I’ll take the 18oz because I think it’s wearable in the summer too. Maybe not every day but more often than 25oz for sure. -
I'm really not built for this kind of thing. My jeans get dirty and smelly quickly and I like wearing a range of jeans. Sticking to one pair doesn't suit me.
As a result I've never gone in for one of the, but I've signed up now. The nudge I needed was picking up the IH.634s-SLB's. I decided not to wear them until summer, so they are fresh and unworn right now. I'll see what I can manage.
cool Reuben ! good to have you in
I have too much pairs too, and there will be even more during this year,
the new 21oz ib is a must have, the UHR and of course the anniversary stuff
so I will wear the competition pair on work and the other after work or on weekends mostly.