Grooming and Hygiene
Just got this email today. Unfortunately I don’t have a beard.
Maybe if the other edge was a blade for shaving
. Still not 400 worthy.
I’m into vintage safety razors and use them as my everyday shaver. I currently have / use a Gillette “Fatboy” and a “Fatboy Slim” from the 1950s and 60s.
That Microtech thing is the most hipster thing I’ve ever seen. Like the apotheosis of a hipster product. Pointlessly tacticool, gimmicky, impractical, expensive. It’s everything Microtech is In something less useful than a knife. Bravo! Truly impressed that they cleared the shark by that many fathoms
@coldcashandcolderhearts I love safety razors and use one myself. They’re way better and less wasteful than modern cartridges IMO and I don’t understand why they aren’t more popular.
My ex was a hair stylist who also did waxing. At that time (late 90's) I shaved my head bald with a razor so she never actually cut my hair, but I had this idea to have her wax my head. I made it one strip on my temple before abandoning the idea.
Would recommend. My nostrils aren't even that hairy but I enjoy the whole process of feeling the warm wax solidify, the barber chuckling expecting me to flinch then being disappointed when I no sell it like a fucking champion...
When I worked in Tunisia in 2011, it was always included as part of the package. Had it done quarterly ever since.