It’s all about the layers today! Tried some zooming in today! Think it’s pretty awesome
Left Field Donegal/mohair wool cap
IH Moleskin CPO via @Jordonf9
White's 350 steel toeSent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
UES belt
Thanks @T4920 though a shame about the streak in my jeans from a wash mishap (serves me right for leaving them at someones house and them being kind enough to wash them). Wearing them as much as poss to fade it in
I can only imagine the look on your face when the well-meaning but uninitiated person told you with a smile that they’ve washed your jeans for you
@AdamC What pair is on the wall to your left?
Thanks @T4920 though a shame about the streak in my jeans from a wash mishap (serves me right for leaving them at someones house and them being kind enough to wash them). Wearing them as much as poss to fade it in
I remember go wild on my mum in my teens for throwing my prized APC New Standards in the wash! Looking back I feel bad cause how was she to know…
She still winds me up to this day by asking when the last time I washed my jeans was and pulling a disgusted face when I answer
Indigo kersey
Wesco -
307 Olive Serge
No Lots
White's -
So good to see more of you on here these days @Seul and I love the wig