@Mickey-GT those vans are awesome!!
@Matt @goosehd @popvulture happy to say I’ve always despised him. Johnny Marr is a great guitarist, but was never a massive fan of The Smiths precisely because M was always a prize bellend.
I can comfortably separate the art from the artist (Philip Larkin’s work is just glorious and he was a miserable toxic shite), but M’s aggressive arrogance, and petulance, plus obviously facist tendencies, make him a prime candidate for a punch in the face. With the business end of a sledgehammer. There’s an old clip og him slagging off Joy Division with George Michael back in the early 80’s. It’s hysterical. Like he could hold a candle to any of that.
@goosehd excellent anglo-saxon, you don’t need to capitalise the W though. Not even for Morrissey.
@Tobi on a forum where there are lots of great shirts, that’s the coolest
@choco multiple viewings of Spidey w the kiddo put a smile on my face. Great time when your a kid and a memory that sticks with you as an adult.
@flannel-slut 100%. He just asked if it was on "our tv" yet (he's so used to streaming services). I told him it would be a while. his response: "we can just got see it at the theater again then!". I'm down for round 3! hahaha
@ Neph. Did you changed the buttons on that Wabby jacket?..Looks stelar