Duffel Bags
come on jaco you don't even have to put no disrespect in response to a post to me, it ain't that serious & it is all cool beans. in any event i do agree some of these younger companies should be beating down the door to work with Iron Heart, but i'm a bit biased towards Iron Heart in general. it's all speculation on my end & i get a kick out of seeing how close i am to right or wrong.
it's also fun for me to get G$ worked up
we will hopefully see the fruits of their efforts sooner than later & from my previous experience with G, either he is really excited & just wanted to get us into it or he has a product in hand & is waiting for the blessing from the Jp crew & the collaborator & will let us know what is going on.
trust in the master
No product in hand. We have concepts and we have sent 21oz denim to the factory for them to make sample stuff from. They needed to do that to prove to themselves that they did not need to back the denim with something to give it enough bulk for luggage. I told them they need not bother and I think when they got the samples I sent, they realised there is denim and them there is IH denim. Haraki and I will visit them soon to move things forward…....
& the mystery continues . . .
Hello, just a quick question. I know the sizing of the M duffel has been discussed a lot, I was wondering about the S. Would I be able to fit a 13" laptop in there, along with a few clothes?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks Giles. Ordered the small. Probably just as well there aren't any IH stockists in France
what i thought all the smalls were long gone.
guess i got to pay abit more attention
That's why I went for the small, will fit everything I need it to. The large was just too large.
Couldn't wait for the collab though. Away at the end of the month. First proper holiday in over a year
another guess on the collabo, Master-Piece
***this is gonna get buried here, but what the heck
it didn't get buried
really long shot, goruck???
my kids love trunki
No hints - sorry. Still working on stuff. OK, one hint - the range will be a collab…....................
Can't believe I am just reading this, but my interest is peaked!~