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@Oaktavia I'll 100% grab a pair someday, probably IB!
Might have to opt for another brand if want a truly masochistic experience though... I was so tempted by the Strike Gold 25oz 'Extra Hard' jeans that were released last year, but didn't wanna distract from my IH rotation.
Asides from the extremely limited Mega Heavyweight N&F releases, reckon they would be the most beautifully painful experience in the denim world.
@T4920 said in Random conversations:
reckon they would be the most beautiful painful experience in the denim world
found out i have to start going into the office full time.
@T4920 Strike Gold makes great jeans (I’ve two pair of their LHT I love them so much) but they definitely fall apart if you look at them wrong. Albeit by design, I wonder how that kind of heritage ethos plays with a very heavy denim.
One thing I like about IH is they use heavy gauge polycotton constructional yarns. I feel like IH places a lot of thought into designing jeans that will wear well, and some other brands just try to see how heavy they can go without balancing out other elements.
Man I love that IH uses the polycotton — I get the vintage appeal of cotton thread on a charm level, but given the choice, I’ll always go with tougher stuff.
@mikebarhoot said in Random conversations:
found out i have to start going into the office full time.
Is that a rant?
more of a 2 year old whine i guess.
@mikebarhoot 58 year old neighbour recently had the same discussion with the company he works for and he told them to pound sand…they offered him a severance package and rehired him as a consultant (who works from home and only goes into the office once per week). Same as he was doing before.
There are always options…
@mclaincausey said in Random conversations:
Albeit by design
Are you saying they deliberately make bad quality jeans to pay homage to the good ol' days of jeans being bad quality, and falling apart?
I mean, I kinda respect it.. but am dubious as to how big the market is for clothes made with such reckless dedication to authenticity...
Yeah man @T4920 they absolutely do use heritage methods that are destined to wear out sooner and that actual wearing out itself is prized (see wabi sabi). At the end of the day that isn’t that different from how we all appreciate fades, it’s just a different evolution.
Even Iron Heart is using chain stitching in places where it has no practical benefit over a lock stitch and only disadvantages relative to more modern techniques, and using felled seams perhaps in part to mitigate some of those disadvantages.
I think IH does the best job of balancing modern and heritage techniques.
@mikebarhoot said in Random conversations:
found out i have to start going into the office full time.
Look at it as an excuse to buy some more office-appropriate stuff from IH. There's chinos, the herringbone trousers, maybe even a pair of ducks...
i had a complete dissertation written out ready to respond, read it and was…yep. this is a rant. so i put my big boy pants on (PIHXHS) and goin for a ear bleeding drive to Front242 / Dead Kennedys!
prolly some Rammstein to globalize.
@Tago-Mago said in IRON HEART WAYWT - 2024 EDITION:
my first denim jacket in 25+ years
wow, what's in the race?
@Tago-Mago lefty OD was my first type 3 ever. Spoiled for life and I recommend it
@Tago-Mago I can only comment on the 16oz in jacket form, I already had the jeans in the same denim. I went for the 16oz as it’s a breathable denim so the jacket would be good year-round - breezy in summer over a T, but easy to layer in winter.
Evo is just getting started, it seems like the elbows (both combs and outside) and the denim around the hand warmer pockets is where it’s going to get the most prominent fades.