Which Cell Phone do you own?
Has the first iPhone, never went back. Android ever since, well after blackberry was buried. I Loved my physical qwerty keyboards. I recently had the BBC key one, pretty amazing phone.
I'm typing on my HTC U11 which is a sublime phone and my LG V30 is cling Monday. Then my U11 will be returned/refunded to Amazon. The LG v30 is the best phone to come out in a while….. And for a while
My iPhone 4 has not outlived its usefulness at all… However, every single app I try to use says I need to run at least OS 9
The latest version I can run is 7.1.2.
This means I need to buy a new phone...
Checked the apple store and the iPhone se is closest in size. Probably need to check the stock situation at the Mcr store before I blindly turn up...
Have I mentioned at all how much I'm growing to hate this constant cycle of tech updates due to enforced obsoleting?
And how the everliving [expletive] is 'obsoleting' a word but 'obsoletion' isn't??
Sorry this turned into an unexpected rant at the end.
Well I bought a new phone yesterday, spent most of last night and this morning playing around with it. It's actually going to make a lot of my trip over the next week or so a lot simpler. The customer service from the Apple Store continues to be hilarious…
The rest of this is going into the random rants section...
Last year I finally bought my first smartphone (I know I'm late but I really loved my old Nokia 6300 :'() and because I didn't have a clue I went for an Android phone. So yesterday - almost one (!) year after its been released by Google - my device received the Android 8.0 (''Oreo'') update which turned out to be pretty minor with some nice but minimal improvements. Waiting this long for such a minor update is unacceptable. Not to mention the tardy security updates (if they come at all). After experiencing such terrible software support (and because Android feels like a knockoff of something that's been around before = iOS) I'm planning to go for an iPhone next time.
Huawei P20 pro
Best (3) camera (s) everSent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
I'm thinking of replacing my old Samsung Galaxy S6. Possible candidates are the Huwaei P10 or P20 (not Lite nor Pro). I'm not a a tech geek, just want a good camera for when I don't have my proper one. To those who own one or know their gear - which one would you prefer?
I'm thinking of replacing my old Samsung Galaxy S6. Possible candidates are the Huwaei P10 or P20 (not Lite nor Pro). I'm not a a tech geek, just want a good camera for when I don't have my proper one. To those who own one or know their gear - which one would you prefer?
If your main focus will be the camera, the P20 is the only way to go.
If you can wait for roughly three weeks, you can switch to one of the new iPhones and they will definitely have great cameras. I'm gonna be the one and say the P20 Pro is highly overrated and is only the clear winner for low light photos. As of now the Google Pixel 2 still has the best camera although the Pixel 3 is already coming in October. If you want to play it safe you can always go for the Samsung S9+ that came down to a pretty good price recently.
Edit: Here's one example why I don't prefer the P20 Pro: http://dl4.joxi.net/drive/2018/08/01/0008/1217/533697/97/8da1b25e30.jpg
Pixel 3 is about to come out. Hard to beat Pixel 2's camera already and I'd imagine an improvement in the 3. My camera thrashes all my friends' iPhone cameras for sure. Specs aren't the best on the camera but taken with the software it's superior. And it's nice to have stock Android, I was on Pie almost immediately after release. Can't recommend Pixel enough, easily the best phone I've ever had.
Thanks guys. That doesn't make it easier, though. The P20pro comparison Picture is almost unbelievable, Looks like my old cellphone camera.
i'm an apple fanboy. i'll say iphone X all day long. but from a objective point of view, the huawei leica collab is brilliant and one of my mate swears by it. also, look into sony's phones. as much as i'm a canon person, i'll have to admit sony makes great sensors and i'll be surprised if their xperia phones do not contain the great work they've been doing with their sensors.
the only thing that is stopping me from any of those phones is android. but if you've been using it, you should feel right at home.
Pixel 3 XL shots here (tagged #Pixel3XL) fwiw
Despite producing the majority of camera sensors for nearly every smartphone manufacturer nowadays, Sony has still the weakest quality on its own devices due to poor software processing. Pretty ironic. Google's Pixels are best at it and here's the original post with a shipload of pics taken with the upcoming Pixel 3.
Here's one I just snapped in the hotel I'm posted up at with my Pixel 2.
There are low light pictures I've been able to take that no one else's camera was able to make sense of. Nice to never need a flash, since phone flashes are annoying and lacking.
Ok I'll shut up about it now.