Why so many weights?
Yeah, for example I don't really care if my lefty Type 3 is 19 or 21 oz. The denim is just the most beautiful fabric I've ever owned ( I just wish there was a shorter jacket made from 19oz left hand twill).
@Giles @Alex here’s a thought: What if there was a comparison grid with the weights on the X axis and characteristics such as volume, weight, breathability, fade contrast, etc on the Y axis? Descriptors or Harvey balls could populate the grid to give an easy comparative view of the denims side by side. This could live under Our Denims on the website. This in my mind would be a very helpful aid for virtual shoppers.
Yes I understand some of this is perhaps subjective.
We don’t want virtual shoppers, we want real ones
It’s an @alex decision, but a load of those metrics you mention are subjective. And, this is the first time we have been asked this question in 22 years…. Not saying that it is not a sensible question, but is the juice worth the squeeze?
@Giles literally?
Personally, I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey with the different IH denim weights and kind of glad I stumbled through. In my mind I have a grid that works for me and a few that are absolute standouts.
If someone would have told me that x is better than y, and I had listened, I would have missed out on so many great denim weights.
As has been stated, it’s all subjective. My favourite isn’t everyone’s.
So what I'm hearing is that its all personal choice and subjective judgement... So I just need to buy a pair of each fabric and see for myself ;p
I'm thinking 16oz will probably have to be next choice then since I'm curious to see how they compare with the 21 and the others will be lined up next
I think some people feel the 21oz might be too hot for certain climates or purposes and having the option for different weighs means you can wear them for different things. Like the engineer jeans with the double knee I mean that's 42oz so if you are doing hard-core work on the farm you're golden. And then you might want to wear jeans with a sports coat and you want a bit lighter jeans to coincide with the sports jacket look...
Don’t sleep on the 14 oz. Still look fabulous and are ultra comfortable form the get go.
@drewfonse I’m about 15 wears into my first pair of 14oz after wearing 21oz all winter and I’m loving them.. a little crispier but still so comfy
The 16 oz is interesting. Very very different from the flagship 21. I actually prefer the feel and look of the 18oz vintage if you want an alternative to the 21. Different strokes though….
I could make the argument with a straight face that the different 14oz I have are my favorites.
@drewfonse I can believe it! A pair of 14oz indigo/black is definitely on the horizon for me after loving the standard indigo
Full disclosure, I have the 142s, the SBR, the indigo black, all in 14oz, and the OD is on its way. All awesome.
I wore the ib to work yesterday, I cycle in, and they are stunning in full sun. Purple-y and creasy. And just as comfortable as the others.
@drewfonse SOLD
I snubbed the 14oz for years under the illusion it was inferior after squeezing myself in to 21oz SBG denim. Didn't know what I was missing 'till I got the 14oz broken twill, it's all I've been wearing since Sept '23
Other factors may have forced the absence of SBG, namely my waistline
The 16oz Slubby has gotten me the most compliments from normies of any of my IH jeans. (I have the 25oz, 21oz, 16oz and Ducks.) I think they aren't used to slubby denim, but people seem to note its character more than they do a more regular weave.