Jordanscollected’s Hobby Farm
View off the kitchen
Thank you so much @sabergirl. We are levitating in excitement, and buried in boxes.
Haha well, hang in there, @jordanscollected. Enjoy getting settled in
@jordanscollected bro!! This literally gave me goosebumps. So so very cool!! I can’t even imagine how it must feel to look out your window to see your horses running around on your own farm!!
Really stoked for you guys!!
The view as I left for work this morning. This is going to be a really fun transition into the new property.
@jordanscollected beautiful Jeff. So excited for you guys and love being able to share in this. How are the horses adjusting?
They are doing pretty good Sean @SKT. Their former home was a herd of 8 so this is an adjustment and will take time for sure. They are venturing out around the pastures grazing (most the back or East pasture and the South pasture), but they have avoided the North pasture for the most part.
Our property is is directly connected to the neighbors to the north, in fact we share a fence on the north side. Their horses spend a lot of time trying to get Nola and Beau to come and say hi, but ours are less inclined.
We also have two lean-to's for them to go in and they really like that to get out of the sun and feel safe and protected.
Hit the trails for the first time since we moved in. We are 4 minutes and 59 seconds drive from the closest trailhead.
Allie works with Nola in the round pen before we go. I just let Beau decide his mood.
The view to my left, and then to my right. We are pinching ourselves every day over here.
We feed them grass balancer twice a day and they sure love it. Now they’re looking into the sunrise deciding where to graze next.
New additions coming to the farm later today.
Some friends of our were rehoming their Cayuga ducks. Of course Allie said she wants them. We have 4 little quackers and we know very little about managing ducks. We will learn on the go.
@jordanscollected what is grass balancer? Do horses, as herbivores, need it? Wasn’t aware of it. Thanks for any insight.
@motojobobo it’s a non sweet horse feed in pellet form that provides vitamins and other nutrients to them without promoting weight gain. It’s especially helpful when they are only on hay in the winter because the variety of grass/hay is less than when they are grazing.
We’re in a pretty bad drought in MN so the horses are being pretty selective on what they will eat.
The balancer provides what they are missing.
They each get 1.5lb per day of this feed
@jordanscollected That begs the question… Do you have matching trousers for the
@tody I don’t now but those new cargos are on my radar. That would be a great way to build a rapport with them.
Thanks for the info @jordanscollected . I’m guessing we are generally not familiar with those supplements around here as our horses have green pasture available year round and that gives them the ability to fulfill their dietary requirements on their own. Does that sound reasonable to you?