Introduce Yourself Here
@pmx-berlin greetings and welcome aboard
@pmx-berlin Hi Patrick nice to meet you I'm Luigi, i’m italian
Greetings from Canada.
Hey everyone,
I'm just starting to get into the IH brand, and I've loved it so far. I'm looking forward to building a collection over time. I live in Texas so the climate is warm if not hot most of the year. If anyone has suggestions for warm weather jackets please let me know- or just generally good pieces I should consider buying. The N1 looks really nice but I would only be able to wear it for at most a couple months out the year. I want to be pretty selective about what I buy because of the price, but I'm willing to pay for the durability and style. Thanks!
@Giles said in Introduce Yourself Here:
Guy, Of course I remember you. You were the first customer I shipped anything to. I think that makes you part of the history of the brand. I would love to see current pics of that pair and also I would be super grateful if you would consider doing a "My Favorite Rugged Wear" piece:
Hi Giles,
Hope you're well and the same to everyone here. I know this is a blast from the past but as I rarely wear my original IH jeans I think I should sell them so someone else can enjoy them. Before I do though I wanted to share some photos. I was trying to remember when it was I first bought these from you, I have 2006 in my head.
They have the old pocket design are showing signs of age through wear and tear. They've lasted better than any other pair of jeans I've had over the years. A testament to the quality.
@Giles Wow, nearly 20 years ago then! I think the jeans have done very well then considering! A shame the original photos have now gone but thanks for finding that post. Unfortunately the waistline has expanded slightly since I was in my 20's
Hi all, I'm a relapsing after 10 years of raw denim sobriety. Really intrigued by the Iron Heart garments, though most of them are completely unsuitable for weather here in Brisbane, Australia - especially this time of year. I've no doubt there's a few Aussies around these forums though.
I've been lurking through the forums the past few days, envious of some great limited release products that I've missed, but excited to see what's to come. I know there'll be a few shirts in my future at the very least. Currently eyeing IHSH-13-BLU (is 10oz chambray going to be too hot here?) and IHSH-308-IND (12oz herringbone definitely too hot right now, but I love some herringbone!). And I'm drawn to the 633 14oz, but I'm in between the 36 and the 38 according to Self Edge's measurements.
Thanks for this great forum!
@ManiacLachy Welcome aboard dude, I hope you find some gear that will work with your environment. I dig that profile photo.
@ManiacLachy welcome to the forum. There's a few guys on here from down under, so wearing IH there isn't totally out of the question.
As an all-year denim I would also recommend checking the 18oz denim
@ManiacLachy welcome among us, I'm Luigi and I'm Italian, I hate the heat and in Italy in the last few years it seems like it's always summer and yet I can wear almost everything (except some 12oz flannels and some military jackets), I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, nice to meet you
Thanks all for the warm welcome! I love the details, aesthetic and obvious quality of IH, it won't be long until something is winging it's way to me.
I knew there'd be some Aussies and other folks burdened by hot climates around the place. I'm looking forward to the Sprin/Summer collection, which I think should be announced soon. Some 9oz unbrushed flannels would be perfect for our Winter.
@Oaktavia , as you might already know, it's the logo from the 80s TV show Airwolf, a favorite of mine as a child. The theme song has been my phone's ring tone for what must be 20 years now, since an old Nokia I had to program the notes into myself!
@ManiacLachy Welcome! Damn, I remember creating some tunes on the old Nokias. Not sure I reached the heights of the Airwolf theme tune though.
You will find some shirts you can wear for sure. You’ve probably seen the 4/5oz short sleeve ones around, and I’m sure you’ll get away with up to 10oz. Good luck, and see you around. I’ll be thinking of you when S/S ‘25 is released.
@Mister_Brue I had a cheat sheet
Despite currently trying to learn guitar, I have no actual music talent!