Introduce Yourself Here
@ManiacLachy Welcome aboard dude, I hope you find some gear that will work with your environment. I dig that profile photo.
@ManiacLachy welcome to the forum. There's a few guys on here from down under, so wearing IH there isn't totally out of the question.
As an all-year denim I would also recommend checking the 18oz denim
@ManiacLachy welcome among us, I'm Luigi and I'm Italian, I hate the heat and in Italy in the last few years it seems like it's always summer and yet I can wear almost everything (except some 12oz flannels and some military jackets), I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for, nice to meet you
Thanks all for the warm welcome! I love the details, aesthetic and obvious quality of IH, it won't be long until something is winging it's way to me.
I knew there'd be some Aussies and other folks burdened by hot climates around the place. I'm looking forward to the Sprin/Summer collection, which I think should be announced soon. Some 9oz unbrushed flannels would be perfect for our Winter.
@Oaktavia , as you might already know, it's the logo from the 80s TV show Airwolf, a favorite of mine as a child. The theme song has been my phone's ring tone for what must be 20 years now, since an old Nokia I had to program the notes into myself!
This post is deleted!
@Mister_Brue I had a cheat sheet
Despite currently trying to learn guitar, I have no actual music talent!
'allo, everyone! I've been lurking here for a few years and finally making my first post. I'm from the island of Trinidad & Tobago, in the Caribbean. I've been wearing Iron Heart for about 2 years, starting off with a pair of IH-666S-21. I'm still amazed at how great these hold up in the Caribbean heat. Since then, I've acquired a few more pieces, all of which are brilliantly made!
Here's a pic I took this morning wearing my IH-526J-142. Thankfully it's that time of the year here where there's a bit more rain and lower temperatures which makes wearing this very comfortable outdoors and indoors in a cold office.
@nephellim Wow, that is cool that you can wear IH in the Caribbean. Does it cool down at night time or stay hot?
@Oaktavia, 'allo! It does get a bit cooler here at night, e.g. it's forecasted to go down to 23° C tonight. Personally, I've found that the 21oz breathes incredible well in both day and night. I've got a pair of 21oz IH-666S-SBG (that Im wearing right now actually) that wears well at night when it's cooler or during the day when it's rainy at not hitting 34° C. I'm guessing with the dying of both warp and weft it makes it breathe less than an undyed weft? The 14oz wears well during hot days, even if it does feel like a tighter weave.
Hi all! Thought I'd introduce myself here after having participated a bit in the last few weeks.
My name is Max, French man but based in London where I've lived for the last 11 years and where I live with wife and young son (15 months). Been a fan and wearer of work-wear and raw denim for around the last 12 years but only discovered Iron Heart in the last 6 months or so having stuck to other brands before.
Just picked up my first IH iteam the IHM 37 GRN which I'm super happy with and awaiting the 888 (Cycling thighs!) 21oz restock to get a pair of these too!
@nephellim Hi, welcome among us, I'm Luigi and I'm Italian, nice to meet you
@nephellim welcome to the forum. Extra points for the Metallica t-shirt
@Tago-Mago, haha! Thanks, man! Caught them live last September on the last show of the M72 tour. Great concert! The Damage Inc T-shirt I'm wearing there has always been my favourite bit of Pushed artwork done for Metallica...also one of the best Metallica songs!