Yeah shoes make a big difference. I am recovering from a calf strain after increasing mileage and changing to shoes with a 2mm lower drop. Just that was enough.
@Nik shoes definitely make a difference. I was running with shoes about a half-size to a size smaller than I should, just going based on my normal shoe size. When I got new proper fitting shoes it made a world of difference.
@alexxedge I’m a half size up in running shoes and had done the same as you. I need the extra room for pounding the pavement and discovered after too long of a time. Major improvement by upsizing.
@Nik Different brand or model? Conscious decision to look for a lower drop? Hope the recovery is going well and would like to hear how you’re dealing with the strain. Time off, stretching, different runs…
@goosehd different brand. Didn’t seek out the lower drop, just went off immediate comfort of the upper.
What read about recovering from a strain like mine is to strengthen the strained muscle through cross training and then once ready to run go back to the old shoe and slowly transition to the new shoe. So I’ve been biking and lifting weights with an emphasis on single leg exercises. Back running now working through the strain. Rest is ok for a bit but an injury like mine is partly about weakness, so to prevent that injury long term I have to strengthen the muscle, and there’s no harm in starting that quite soon after injury. Rest and stretching are currently seen as slightly overrated in the healing process. Strength training and cross training are the best bets. It’s surprising because it goes against received wisdom, but makes sense to me when I think about it that to heal the injury I have to activate the area, not ignore it. -
New shoes. Now I have a race shoe for trail ultras (orange hokas), a slow trail shoe for training (navy), and then a slow road shoe (black), and a tempo road shoe (white).
Another week of running and making progress again. The training program I am using is progressive in nature and a great template to better my overall conditioning wth the caveat of interpreting the intensity levels correctly. I was at running at too high of a level for where I was in my overall conditioning and started to move backwards in my training and recovery.
Changing my shoes helped tremendously as well as backing off in intensity and running at lower HR zones during my training runs. I'm sleeping better, running better, faster, and lower heart rates again. Overall I'm pleased with how my summer training has been going, but anticipate that I won't be able to compete in the race I have been eyeing this fall. I was hoping to run a 50km trail run, but may settle on the 25km race instead. This is the same race that I ran with the family last year called the Fat Ass Trail Run with 5, 7.5, 12.5, 25 and 50 km's races throughout the day. If the family is interested in running again this year, everything may go out the window and decide to run with them.
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What's your longest run so far @goosehd ? I claim that if you could go out and run 25km now then you would be able to finish the 50km, especially if you set the goal as finishing and not at any specific pace. Worst case scenario you drop out early. It can be fun to head out on a run that you don't know you'll be able to finish
@Nik Around 18-20 km's, but I was finding that around 15 km that I would have to take a walk break or two, my times started to drift, and my heart rate would get harder to control. Started doing the food thing every 45 minutes which did help some. Also was during the heat of the summer which may have been a factor.
Just finished a run in 65F temperature and loved it. 10km just under an hour and still feel fresh.
walking break is great, I do that a lot on ultras!
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@Mister_Brue yeah doing 31 miles on saturday and 21 on sunday for a total of 84 that week meant didn't have the energy to party as much as I might have otherwise liked to. I was worn out but also in a good satisfied way. It is nice being around friendly faces in that state and I didn't want to miss it, so was definitely fun to be there.
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Thank you @Mister_Brue yeah calf is healing up. Still can't do faster pace stuff, but not much need to with another 100 miler in two weeks.
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Nope. Just South Downs Way and Autumn 100 with Centurion. Was only planning SDW but my buddy signed up for Saddles 100 in Arizona and I couldn't make it to that so wanted to do another race around the same time. Him and I doing Paris Marathon and Eastern States 100 next year. Might also try to get some stones and will enter lotteries for Western States and UTMB. You?
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I’m looking forward to being able to see all the other runners and I don’t mind an out and back.
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Track ultra not something I've considered yet, still enjoying trails the most. And Autumn 100 will be my first spurred race.