Random Love (anti-rants)
Thanks much!! I have a decent stock of booze, probably gonna get started soon!
The deed is done!
I realized middle of a couple of weeks ago that I hadn't seen my Iron Heart indigo hoodie for a while. Eventually figured out that I wore it out to a friend's birthday concert and must have lost it at the music venue. Went down the the venue and checked the lost and found–no luck. Beyond being the ultimate layering garment, appropriate under so many conditions out here in Denver, this garment was one of those things that had gone through so much with me that it felt like an irreplaceable personal item. Then there's the scarcity of the garment--not sure they will ever dip more hoo
One of my lady friends asked me a few days later if I was missing a hoodie, and in a flood, everything came back to me--it was cold that night and I'd let her wear the hoodie, and we shared an Uber home since she lives around the corner--I never got it back from her.
Last Saturday I picked it up. It's a little embarrassing to be this happy about a garment being back in my life.
I’ll join this love fest. Reuben made me feel very welcome when I first joined up. As I know he does for everyone. Thanks R
Thanks @neph93 , love your positivity , pretty stylish too!
Wow, @Dion thank you, I’m honestly touched. That goes for the rest of you too @Giles @Jett129 @marlin @Chris @Matty123 @mclaincausey
It would be remiss of me not to draw attention to the fact that without Giles @Alex and the rest of Stubborn Crew this place wouldn’t even be here. Given that they are running a hectic retail business it’s impressive how much of their time they are able to devote to the forum. Also all the mods do a lot around here, much of it behind the scenes.
For my part, the forum is a weird but lovely oasis in a weird and often unlovely desert of crap. It’s worth taking care of and I’m happy to play a role in that.
This might be the right place to say thanks to the IH-Crew. The meassurements you are providing for the current, even for the old stuff, is for the customer extremly helpful and must be a lot of work for you guys, therfore thanks a thousand times. This is just one of many things I love about this brand.
A huge shout-out to neph for his work on the forum to keep this place as pleasant as possible to visit. He's always there to answer questions and help everyone which is simply awesome.
+1 [emoji869]
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One of my favorites of our many special wedding gifts… Custom etched tumblers. Many spirits will course through these.
@mclaincausey those are great. I sure do miss the boys.
This little devil .. true love