Thanks for the kind words! The last few pics are all our short term rental property. I'm happy to give an IH discount to anyone visiting Austin:
Another Austin get together would be fun.
Working from home has made my partner and I consider upsizing and viewings have started. Not sure if it is a good time to move but it would be fun to have outside space.
About 95% done with my laundry room remodel:
When we bought the house 2 years ago
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Thanks gents - I'm glad it turned out well, but man, small spaces are always the worst to work in!
Looks great, and a lot more functional. I miss having a laundry area sink. Those are so useful.
Yeah, a laundry sink is a must for me, and the swap from a clunky utility sink to the deep bar sink really gave us a ton more counter space which will inevitably just be used sweaty hats and dirty kids clothes haha [emoji23]
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We are selling this, my first purchased home. We did a lot to it and have ridden the real estate wave hopefully well; a difficult market that would have been even moreso as a first time buyer. We love, but outgrew, this home. Bittersweet to move on from it and its location.
We found a home that gives us nearly twice the space in an area we prefer. Better set up for the family across the board. I’m grateful that we were able to find a place that will support our larger family without making sacrifices we’re uncomfortable with. Excited to have two garages (we’re not even using the current minute garage for car, and it hails here a lot), fenced front and back, open floor plan, breakfast nook, and a finished basement that will include a bar, A/V, fitness, and bedrooms.
Congrats McClain!! I loved your old house (via the photos over the years) and the new one looks especially Lovely!!
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Nice @mclaincausey!! Looks like a great pad!!
Congrats @mclaincausey! I know the CO market is pretty insane right now, I imagine you won't have any issues. My brother sold his house in Edgewater last month. He received multiple offers within 24 hours of listing and had it closed within a few weeks.
Cheers @Clint_D and I love what you and the missus are doing with your home! I'm as pleased as I am unsurprised to hear about your brother: that is a very hot area.
Spot-on on the CO market (and, I hear, your neck of the woods as well). I think part of it is an exodus from CA, where people can cash out of their homes and come in with aggressive offers here. The majority of homes go over list, sometimes by six figures. A friend in Golden told me a house down the street from him went for $300k over list, cash offer, site unseen. We were significantly outbid by a cash offer on our new home (we saw it the day it was available for showings and wrote one of three offers sent that day), but fortunately the other party didn't pull it together in time and we got under contract without chasing any offers–we love the house, but part of the appeal was the price point.
I feel like I got very lucky with our current home, very lucky with our next home, and hope the luck continues with the sale of our current home.