2014 Spring/Summer Pipeline
My mistake. Wasn't clear from the photo.
Absolutely true. You can see it but it's very hard to tell.
Spring sometime. I am not in the office, so can't look the scheduled release date up. There has been some discussion on the forum about whether or not this is a true prison stripe or not. Haraki calls it prision stripe and for all I know, this may be the type of stripe that they wear/wore in Japanese prisons, so "Prison Stripe" it is, as far as I am concerned…....
Love it. I do think the fabric is amenable to a work shirt pattern, snap shirt junkie though I am.
This is a light jersey kind of a fabric isn't it? Interesting.
I like the black
Can't wait to see the details (price, ETA, weight).
@mclaincausey:This is a light jersey kind of a fabric isn't it? Interesting.
I thought so, too, based on the snaps. Same style as the 80s; which, coincidentally, I'm wearing now (Blue– Go Hawks!).
Any news about some new 7.5 oz T-Shirts?
Sounds good to me
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