@Mizmazzle Boots just arrived. Love all about them! Figuring out if the size is right. If anything I might have gotten away with half a size smaller, but I think they will work. Have a very wide foot, and touching sides nice and easy. There is a lot of wiggle room up and down with the toes, but that comes with the construction of the toe box. Only very slight heel slip when walking. Will post some better pictures later.
Ah.. and my wife will figure out that I have new boots just weeks after the Lofgren Donkey Puncher
@Tobi love how they look under that wider hem! Is that a 634 cut?
Def lots of up and down toe room for me as well. Also a bit of room in length, but not overly either. My heel sits in place nicely, but not crammed either. Have a bit of room in a very comfortable way. Overall, I have a bit of room in all areas, but somehow still very comfortable. I feel like this is how the last is designed. I’ve wondered if I could have gone a 1/2 size down myself, but now I think it fits how it’s supposed to. The ball of my foot is resting right on the up curve of he sole. They feel amazing. After a couple days walking in then I’m confident mine are sized properly. -
@Mizmazzle Good to hear, also confident the size will work! Yep, these are IH-634-XHS, but I think they will look better in less wide and more black jeans. Will try them with the IH-666S-SB next. Finally boots that do not get indigo marks from just looking at them! Wore my new IH-634-XHSib with the rough-out Donkey Punchers for only 10min and have serious indigo all over the place... Thanks for the inspiration and feedback!
I absolutely love my 310 Vibergs. I too have. Wide foot and to boot (pun intended) I have a bunch of foot issues that require me to wear orthotics.
I had a hell of a time finding a pair of boot that fit until I landed on these. They are my go to.
I’ll add, if you’re looking for shoes that mimics the 310last, Viberg make these 145 Oxfords. Basically the same last in a shoe. Sorry I don’t have a better picture of just the shoe.
@Brandrea both pairs real beauties. On the boot I was a bit worried that they angle up so much that they go into "clown shoes" territory, but all good! If the last and size works for me, I will eventually get also one in a light brown smooth leather.. but for now taking a break from buying boots
@Tobi Ha ha, I know what you mean about the toe up …
It’s much less pronounced when you actually wear them.I’ve received a number of compliments wearing them mostly from women who tend to notice footwear more than my guy friends lol
Hence why yours truly doesn’t vibe with sprung toe lasts
I do wear my 2030 lasted service boots in work settings from time to time:
@mclaincausey hot stuff brother!!
I kinda dig the clown shoe aesthetic myself. Like that sprung toe look a lot. I remember when I got my first pair of iron rangers it took me a second to adjust to the bulbous toe. But then like all things, I seem to like to go to the extreme. Just hope elf shoes aren’t in my future!!
@Twistlock very nice looking boots!!
@Twistlock dope!!
For me, I cinched down the laces a bit extra and they fit spot on. Not overly cinched. I’d say in the 60-70th percentile.Love that olive chrompak. I can seriously see adding those to the collection one day. Hope they make them again.
Please keep us posted regularly with progress updates!
@Twistlock BRAVO!!
@Twistlock Nice!! The color indeed looks different every time you post a picture. I am going to look for a light brown or natural color next myself, but I can see the attraction of that green!
Any of you guys have the Viberg mules? What do you think?
Trying different laces, but think I will stick to black for now...