@Brandrea damn, maybe that figure it out but thank you for reaching out to them and clarifying.
@Mizmazzle those shells are amazing and the donkey punchers are on the want list, pretty sure I’d have to go to congress for those too at this point.
Waxy Commander is so good.
The 2030 Chelsea is so good.
I have brown and black variants.Ideal shoe for travel since you can pop em on and off at security and since they can handle all conditions. And they look smart enough for all but the most formal settings.
@Mizmazzle I really like the toe cap on your 310’s and think it really ties it together. Most of the sites I’ve checked only carry the plain toe variant. The patina on them looks incredible. Are those the original leather laces that came with the boots?
@Mizmazzle Like I said, damn near boxfresh. But we'll consider this a starting point on the road to lookin like yours...
@Denman-John these are Guarded Goods leather laces. I wasn’t a fan of the OG laces that came the boots.
I just messaged Viberg and this is the response I got … looks like they can’t make the 310’s in Shell
That aligns with what I had read anecdotally. Apparently, Viberg in the past tried doing some 310 boots in horsehide, not even shell, to disastrous results. The leather was repeatedly tearing due to the required pulling to stretch it across the structured bump toe, a problem that would only be exacerbated with shell.
@Mizmazzle Thanks dude...will do!
@Brodie yours seem to have a bit more of a matte finish, which ain’t a bad thing at all!!
If ya did want a bit more pop to the luster of the shell, take a clean horse hair brush and you could give em a quick buffing. They’d shine for sure…but again, that matte looking finish has a lot of benefits of its own.
@Mizmazzle Ya, I knew mine were looking a bit matte (which I didn't mind), but didn't realize just how matte they were until I saw your photo. I'll definitely take a brush to them soon and see if I can restore a bit of that luster to give them at least a little pop that they deserve.
310 Mushroom Chamois
@Denimhead-0 allagash white in the glass? Haven't had one of them in ages!
@T4920 Delicious
Anyone ever had their Viberg stitchdown construction boots resoled? Or any other stitchdown boot for that matter...
I know its more difficult to do....i'm curious if most cobblers have this skill, or if its more of a specialty job?
I just got off the phone with the dude at Wyatt and Dad Cobblers (super nice guy)...He told me he has to hand stitch boots that are stitch down construction because machines don't have the finesse to align the needle into the existing holes without running out all over the place.I want to get the shite "commando" soles replaced on my Pachena Bays with Vibram that sole!
No firsthand experience, but I've read a number of positive reviews about Unsung House. There's an upcharge because they too have do do the stitchdown by hands, but the work I've seen is very clean.
I highly recommend Grant at Unsung. They have resoled several boots for me and I’ve also had them make a pair of engineers.
I currently have a pair of boots at Bedo’s doing a recraft, I’ve heard he’s amazing so we shall see…
This may be not everybody’s cup of tea, but if you have any questions about Grant or Isaac’s ability’s here’s a pair of Viborg’s that I had them completely modify from a Vibram
@northsouthdenimguy looks great man, I might need to get my 310s resoled by then. Too much sliding around for me.
Yeah, they should be able to hook you up and maybe re-last them to a little bit smaller size if needed