First World Problems
I suspect your better half is to blame. My wife still commits us to weddings, christenings and birthday parties without checking kick off times for the football. She's lucky I'm still with her.
That’s certainly a grounded assumption. These trips to paradise are often ill-timed.
Nobody ever misappropriates my culture
I knew it
Flight cancelled, now we have to spend another day in Tuscany. What a feckin bore…..
How’s the food and wine there? Maybe that can help get you through the day?
Between excellent and off the fucking scale….
i know, i was saying that "tongue in cheek." ive been and its outrageous.
It’s too hot here on Maui to wear my jeans.
here's my first world problem. do I buy:
PS4 slim
SEXIH07IIIBK modified od type3 from Self Edge?
Of course, I want both but arguments could be made for either. The PS4 would be nice to have for those days when I don't have my son with me, and it's been a long time since i've had a new console. The downside is that I don't want my son asking me what it is and getting sucked into video games at his age (he's 4.5 yo).
Likewise, i've been wanting a modified od type3 since I saw the bsp 14oz version at SE but their new 18oz od type3 looks amazing. The downside to the SEXIH07IIIBK is that I wouldn't be able to wear it for 3-4 months.