Work shirts vs. Westerns
Harmless banter, I love my American brothers and sisters….they were almost English once
For the record, I'm born Welsh, and grew up in Liverpool, so the thieving sheepshagger gags can commence whenever you're ready.
My last name is Welsh. I am not, thank god.
I like em big. Heifers need love, too.
As Billy Connolly said, get their hind legs into yer wellies while standing at the edge of a cliff and you'll spice things up with the heifer or sheep in your life….
As a fatty I tend to opt for work shirts (though not always) for more girth room.
So you don't have anything against the yoke/snap aesthetic? It's just a fit thing?
Pure fit for me as well. I prefer westerns, but the 46 workshirt is one of my all time favorites.
I'm kind of broad so I like that the westerns play that down a bit, little unsure whether the work shirts are going to work on my chunky frame…
That being said, I'm looking forward to getting my mitts on a work shirt so I can experience the difference myself. Thanks for the feed back (and the amusing banter).
Was looking for some info from the pros on here , sorry bring up old thread with the question already answered. but since a lot shirts sizing differnt maybe I’m in Luck? Little torn self edge having a great sale on some UHFs, plus extra Black Friday so really good deal. I was checking out a medium IHSH-378-BRN, they are sold out of all their larges. Measurements just tad smaller than my IHSH-62 large, but think I could swing it and fit fine? Big con is no returns/refunds, and don’t think they dont carry sale items in store. The only work shirt I own is the brown CPO in a large but honestly could have gotten a medium and still fit really well, just no layering underneath. Guess just asking if worth the risk/ deal or play it safe and not get stuck with too small flannel? This would be my first UHF, I’m 6”1, and like 160lbs.
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Thanks man that helps a lot. I pretty much know it would prob be a tad too small, just got excited on the bargain price, and the measurements they got up really close. But would be a bummer get stuck with a small fitting UHF. I’ve def tried on some large/xl at self edge before just off the rack and both fit, more so the large. So a medium would be pushing it. -
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@meatmarketdenim1 They do carry the warehouse items in store. I was just checking out the 378-BRN today at the Austin location.