Random Rants
;D, DOH! damn it, I'm all thumbs on my mobile…. Should have said "buy back"
Dear fruitflies,
look… I know: it's effin warm and you like the smell and/ or taste of my white wine... So do I!.. But guys, seriously, why does one of you kamikaze-pilots his (or her, sorry can't tell!) way into my glass every couple of minutes?.. I gotta fish you guys out, let you walk on my hand and arms as you're vigorously trying to dry your wings in order to be able to fly away... It's cute... But come on... Get your arse back to the trash can outside!..
1: I've had Cult tickets for months and a business trip has scuttled that for me.
2: I've had an order for a Zero Tolerance 0600 in for weeks and it still hasn't filled. C'mon Knife Center get me my blade!
The Cult rule, seen them many, many times.
I know Mega. Met Ian last time I saw em years and years ago. Nice guy. Great band. I'm just sick.
I saw them last when they supported Guns N Roses on the Use Your Illusion tour…...yes, I'm that old.
Very nice. My last and only show was right before the boys called it quits the first time in the mid nineties.
My hope is that they tour again.
This just gave me an idea for a thread.
Christ, $80 customs on my RMJ A-2. Wonder what the Lofgrens will run me. Never had to pay before.
What I'm saying is: Jan is my personal hero and I would share my last beer with him…
For a Belgian that's like saying you'd give someone both kidneys.