Random Rants
^^ Made my tax payment today….. Let's just say it was the equivalent of a shit ton of Iron Heart. I wouldn't feel as bad about it if I knew it wasn't going to be squandered by the man.
Same. I thought I was going to even out for the year but my divorce and the claiming of my son had my CPA confused which was frustrating. I'd rather even out at the end of the year because I dislike the idea of giving Uncle Sam an interest free loan. But yes, I could buy a lot of IH with the money i'm paying
Snowpocalypse part 3 has arrived. A foot of snow already. This really, really sucks
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Snowpocalypse part 3 has arrived. A foot of snow already. This really, really sucks
I'm right there with ya. After yesterday's foot+ of snow we are expecting about the same today, but of a mix of snow/ice/rain.
I'm just planning on power going out at some point today now…
Snowpocalypse part 3 has arrived. A foot of snow already. This really, really sucks
I'm right there with ya. After yesterday's foot+ of snow we are expecting about the same today, but of a mix of snow/ice/rain.
I'm just planning on power going out at some point today now…
Luckily no power outages here. I just spent the last hour digging my car out of 2 foot snow drifts, and I cracked my shovel to boot.
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Bought an iPhone SE on Sunday.
To be fair I should have told the guy from the outset that I was going to buy a phone, I knew which one I wanted and that was what I would be leaving with.
So a sales guy comes over from the back of the shop after the front of house guy had been asking for 5 minutes, which I found to be a pretty long time. Yes it was fairly busy but 95% of the people in there were just pawing at the merchandise. Asked me what I was after and I pointed to the phone and said I'd like to buy one. He seemed quite shocked that someone would just straight up ask to buy a phone.
"Oh yeah, that's the one I'd buy." (This is completely unnecessary, I felt like saying. I'm going to buy the phone. You don't need to sell it to me. But the next sentence was fantastic)
"If I didn't have the latest model free, because I work at the Apple Store."
So, this big glass box with all the Apple merchandise and branding that I've been standing in for oh 15 minutes now is the Apple Store. Well that's good to know. And you'd buy the cheapest phone that Apple currently stock. But, you haven't, because you don't need to. What was the point of this conversational gambit??
"That's a really good choice, I'd definitely buy the exact same model. But I don't need to because a massive perk of the job is I get the latest phone free of charge to try and up sell to customers like mad!!"
It just baffles me - I know I'm not the target audience at all. I buy for the ease of use, I've always had Apple products. I don't chase iteration after iteration because I can't see the point and I certainly don't have the money. The last iPhone I bought was the 4. It cost me £50 more than the SE I've just bought. When I told the guy the last phone I had was the 4, he looked stunned :o
The juxtaposition between me being hugely monosyllabic and the sales guy trying to wow me with stuff I had no interest in was pretty funny.
"What do you use your phone for?"
"Not much"
"Oh, well (launches into most of the features)"
I stand there being bored
Then he mentioned the camera
"This will be a big step up from what you're used to!"
"I'll still take terrible pictures with it."
"Well we have these (launches into spiel about the free workshops they run)"
"I won't be here then."
I cut him some slack after that, to be honest the free workshops sounded pretty good. It just seems that there's a massive disconnect between a customer who goes into a shop for a specific item and someone who has a vague idea of something they might possibly buy at some point, and the sales team makes absolutely no distinction between the two whatsoever.
Then - predictably - my sim wouldn't fit. Although the sight of this poor guy trying to get the side of the phone open was hilarious
massively red in the face, sweat almost pouring down his face
"So, this hasn't been opened since you got the phone?"
Pulls out Orange sim card, a company that got taken over by EE (more on them another time) I don't know how many years ago
After paying, I headed off to the local EE shop…
The next time I have to buy a phone I'm going to just...
... curl into a ball and start sobbing.
Sorry for the wall of text.
And EE can just fuck right off with the way that their staff get treated by the higher ups…
"In a while you'll get a text asking you to rate my service, 9 and 10 are good. Anything less than that is a passive"
Which means that after so many non-perfect scores, they can be called into a meeting and well judging by the tone, probably "let go".
So the text came through... There was no way to expand on why you'd enjoyed the service (until after the survey had been completed) straight 1-10 "how likely are you to recommend EE to friends and family?" Not, you'll notice "Thanks for your custom which we greatly appreciate, how well were your needs met today?" (I could write this shit for a living, probably
Does anyone want to hire a cynical, anti-social, pessimist for their Customer Service?? No :(.) No mention of the sales assistant until the all important 1-10 score has been clicked on. That comes after in a whole slew of "Did the sales assistant mention x number of things that nobody really wants but we try to sell anyway."
So I just clicked yes to everything and left it at that.
Indeed, maybe 25oz is too much.
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I am struggling in UHR today. Won’t be wearing them in summer that’s for sure
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Wearing shorts and a singlet. I really don't do well in other seasons but winter…
Pigs in shorts and singlets was- too graphic ::)
And EE can just fuck right off with the way that their staff get treated by the higher ups…
"In a while you'll get a text asking you to rate my service, 9 and 10 are good. Anything less than that is a passive"
Which means that after so many non-perfect scores, they can be called into a meeting and well judging by the tone, probably "let go".
So the text came through... There was no way to expand on why you'd enjoyed the service (until after the survey had been completed) straight 1-10 "how likely are you to recommend EE to friends and family?" Not, you'll notice "Thanks for your custom which we greatly appreciate, how well were your needs met today?" (I could write this shit for a living, probably
Does anyone want to hire a cynical, anti-social, pessimist for their Customer Service?? No :(.) No mention of the sales assistant until the all important 1-10 score has been clicked on. That comes after in a whole slew of "Did the sales assistant mention x number of things that nobody really wants but we try to sell anyway."
So I just clicked yes to everything and left it at that.
Sales people are treated like animals. When my daughter worked at a supermarket a women instructed her to "Run!"the length of the store to fetch her a watermelon that she herself had passed coming into the store. My eyes widened when Kate told me this because my daughter hates rudeness like Hannibal Lecter hates rudeness. I understand Rudi hasn't shopped there since. Too bad… Love ya, Kate!
"Camping with the wife."
Good idea in theory/principal… Terrible idea, financially.
My idea of camping: us, tent, blanket, and a can of beans over a fire... and beer
Her idea of camping ("glamping"):
Not to mention that it's turned in to a fashion show featuring a 170GBP pair of Lowa's that "aren't really comfortable, but they're cute!" ???
^Was it really ever going to be any other way Anthony?
It will be far closer to my image than hers now, because "Once my rucksack is full/too heavy, you'll have to carry more"…..
She wanted a 9lb 2 burner camp stove, but I told her it's too big, clunky and heavy.
We've settled on a Jetboil HalfGen.Based on her extensive ::) ::) ::) Girl Scout experience from 20+ years ago, she thought she would be cooking brekky, lunch and dinner each day… I said "If the cooler is full of perishable foods, where will the beer go?"..... She was immediately understanding on that point, lol
May I suggest…..
Funny this subject came up now- my wife spent a night in one of these tents last week.
Apparently, all the yurts and teepees were already booked…
May I suggest…..
*It's blocked by the network here in my building… I'll peak at it later
Funny this subject came up now- my wife spent a night in one of these tents last week.
Apparently, all the yurts and teepees were already booked…
Your wife is a hipster, lol!