WAYWT - The Hard Labour Edition aka "Working in your workwear".
@UnTucked sometimes i like to put on a dress or heels to get my femininity back
I hear working at a computer desk helps with that as well….
hell no of course not ::) (noted)
@RoxRocks86 so only mud …
This might be the place to ask: how do you lads & lassies get specks of paint off your jeans? I got water-soluble paint on mine and the stains got dry before I got around to trying to remove them, and it seems they are sitting mighty tight.
[/quote]I assume what you're after is how do you get them off without losing a patch of indigo? With some difficulty. Certainly don't scrub with water and a cloth as that will strip the indigo. I got wood glue on a pair once, let it harden then picked it out with the tip of a knife. Worked well. These days, anything like that happens I say fekk it and leave it be.
I assume what you're after is how do you get them off without losing a patch of indigo?
Ideally would have loved coming up with a MacGyver-esque indigo-preserving magic-solution but now I said
fekk it
and tossed the offending pair into the machine. Just a bit worried the wash won’t get rid off the stains as they got good and dry in the meantime.
Thanks for the moral support!
How much specs of paint @Crit_Obs ? Not one big dunk into a bucket? If the paint wasn’t rubbed into the denim, like neph said, should be able to peel them off. Worse case scenario just designate the pair to paint days.
How much specs of paint @Crit_Obs ?
On a scale from ”lol look at the doofus with dirty pants” to ”that’s like, avantgarde, man”, they score a solid ”slightly awkward law student in altogether too expensive clothes, that he uses also when he really shouldn’t”… which isn’t too far off the mark.
The wash didn’t do them much good and there’s no ”layer” that I could try and pry off.
I guess that means I’m a pair of presentable jeans short at the moment... And the 888-OD just released... Hmm...
The Tri Ter @work. crane end truck on my left. It's going to get dirrrty.
On a scale from ”lol look at the doofus with dirty pants” to ”that’s like, avantgarde, man”, they score a solid ”slightly awkward law student in altogether too expensive clothes, that he uses also when he really shouldn’t”… which isn’t too far off the mark.
That made me laugh.
Think of it this way, you have the perfect excuse for new jeans, AND, you’ve gained the greatest pair of beaters ever. It’s win-win.
The Tri Ter @work. crane end truck on my left. It's going to get dirrrty.
Make that pic b&w or sepia and it could go in a museum (I mean that in the nicest possible way). Great stuff.
ask and ye shall receive
I had no idea they made collies in Wales. Not sure what these have to do with steelworker, though.
Interestingly-to me anyway- there are a number of Welsh & Scot names here, Ercildoun, Berwyn,Uwchland, Bryn Mawr.
As for the dogs that's easily explained they're thrown into ladles to bring up the carbon. -
Interestingly-to me anyway- there are a number of Welsh & Scot names here, Ercildoun, Berwyn,Uwchland, Bryn Mawr.
Bryn Mawr means «big hill». I just had a Google and the other areas in the township in PN it’s a part of are all named after towns in Wales too, Radnor, Merion and Haverford. I’ve been to the Welsh versions of Haverford and Merion.