IHSH-177 - 18oz Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo
Right been wearing this for a few hours as a shirt over a simple t-shirt and under a coat. Bloody stiff and feels good, noticed that the bottom of the shirt has started to curl up on one side, how do I stop this?
You have three options
1. Iron it 2. Don’t wear it 3. Don’t let it bother you. Take your pick
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noticed that the bottom of the shirt has started to curl up on one side, how do I stop this?
Ironing is about the only way to control that, unfortunately. It happens on all denim, wabash, and other twill weave shirts. It's an unavoidable aspect of the fabric type, I think.
60 wears in - sized to fit like a shirt and not a jacket - I'm getting a lot of color loss in one armpit, is armpit blowout a thing? A few months of lurking in the forums here and I have not found mention of it.
60 wears in - sized to fit like a shirt and not a jacket - I'm getting a lot of color loss in one armpit, is armpit blowout a thing? A few months of lurking in the forums here and I have not found mention of it.
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60 wears in - sized to fit like a shirt and not a jacket - I'm getting a lot of color loss in one armpit, is armpit blowout a thing? A few months of lurking in the forums here and I have not found mention of it.
I have the OD version. I've worn it more than 60 times and don't see any sign of blowout in the armpits. Fraying will indicate a blowout more than fading. The biggest point of stress on my shirt is the fold where the hem has curled up.
60 wears in - sized to fit like a shirt and not a jacket - I'm getting a lot of color loss in one armpit, is armpit blowout a thing? A few months of lurking in the forums here and I have not found mention of it.
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I will soon - I want to wash it before photos to make sure it isn't some sort of salt deposit from pit sweat, however, I am having trouble going a couple days without wearing it…
I am very close to pulling the trigger on a size large. For those that own this CPO: To what degree to you find the indigo transfers to the lighter shirts you have worn under it?
None at all. I've worn white T shirts under this and have never, ever had denim transfer.
Don't sleep on this shirt. It's so amazing. I have this one and the OD version and would instantly re-buy both if I lost them.
I’ve had two examples of crocking (other than the inevitable crocking you get on roughout boot shafts/white trainers). Both have involved indigo shirts, white undershirts and water. The first was working outside in heavy rain in an IHSH-62. My white a-shirt got tied-dyed indigo, the second was an indigo vest and white tee on a warm day. The armpits on the tee got some rub off. At the same time my IHSH-33 gets worn over white tees often without issue. The key is moisture I think. Add water in the mix and indigo denim will crock onto white but it generally isn’t an issue.
I have found it washes out pretty well but not all the way. I suppose the fabric is a teen greeting here. All of my white t-shirts seem to have a faint blue hue to them.
@neph93 That makes sense, thanks for the insight! Have you found that the indigo washes out of your white shirts fairly easily?
I have found it washes out pretty well but not all the way. I suppose the fabric is a teen greeting here. All of my white t-shirts seem to have a faint blue hue to them.
I have similar experience to the above. If you let the crocked garment dry, especially in a warm place you may struggle but generally a wash before that will get the indigo out.
Great fit @Bulatik85 !!
Great fit @Bulatik85 !!
thank you!
Yeah, that’s perfect. Great purchase. I’m wearing my 178 today and loving it.
I wear the 33 about once or twice a week. I didn't find myself wearing the CPO so I sold it a couple months back. However, I live in Los Angeles. Because of that fact, I didn't fnd a lot of use for the CPO. Where do you live @dreigh? That might color which you pick first.