Iron Heart spotted on celebrities
That’s absolutely amazing. Love them.
Just a guy with impeccable taste in jeans
One of my icons, Mr Chris "Cobra" Cole:
@Oaktavia +1 And with that, he seems to be a really cool dude
Saw the legend Dr. Andrew Huberman sporting IH on Jocko Willink's latest podcast. I wouldn't have said it was possible to move him any higher in my book, but this took him up another notch. If you haven't listened to the Huberman Lab podcast, check it out.
Marc Maron wearing IH on Conan. Don’t think this has been previously posted.
@Mizmazzle I’ve seen him plenty of times with Ship John,but this us the first time I ever saw him wearing IH.
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@Mister_Brue You got me as I never saw that one. Just went and checked it and it sure does look like it.
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Hell yeah Johnny! Wonder if he grabbed it at Self Edge while in SF last week
Johnny looking hella sick in that type 3
Love Johnny Marr