IH-634S-RAW - 21/23 ounce raw straight cut
purchased !!!!!!!
Hmm..I thought I filled out the form but I don't think I got an email. Can you PM me the link?
incredible 38 pages & these just (pre)released today. wait until the fit pics start coming in, this thread is going to go full beast-mode
I've enlisted…need to raise some war bonds now....
are those your refurbished russies your wearing in the fit pic or are those your redwings?
Refurbed Russells…..
I would take the 33 in all probability, However, I could do the 32 as they would stretch after a while. But I aint a slim jean type of guy, so I don't size down as a rule. I tend to stick to 33 and let the cut define the look…...
I wear 34 on the 634s and 55 cut, but I wear size 35 on the TW cut. I had the 634sr size 34 and I sold them to D97, because they were to tight after soaking and I did not feel the would stretch as easy as the 634s. That is why I went size 35!! hope this helps anyone on the fence about 34 or 35.
I was so anxious to order mine I stopped in at some random McDonalds so I could use the free WiFi. Picked up two pair of size 35!! I figured I would buy two since I gave G such a beating on the whole size 35 thing!! Thanks again for doing the 35 G!! you the man
since i think my size will be out of stock when i´m able to get a pair, i now know who to ask
My pair is currently at the speed post sorting centre… Let me be the first guys... Haha.
ronald on the UPS tracking page