The Iron Heart Forum Ten Year Anniversary Party Week End…
other places are the Gosport Premier Inn (5-10 mins from us by car/taxi)
The bus service between the Premier Inn and the Gosport high street isn't bad, either. And I would recommend the full English breakfast for anyone considering staying there…
It's the closest bus stop to IHUK, isn't it?
Besides, who can pass up the bargains to be had in Gosport's pound shops?
- 8 days later
Looks awesome!
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A little over a year ago, I was trying to plan a trip to the UK for this past autumn, with a stop in Gosport, of course. Those plans never came to fruition. So, I was hoping to try again, this year. This event has put me all-in.
Being one who doesn't particularly care for abrupt departures( I always prefer to delay the inevitable ), I decided a Monday departure was more to my liking. While the Spring Garden Guest House was sold out, the Spring Garden Holiday Apartments had the 3 day stay I was looking for available. I locked in my reservation two weeks ago.
Tonight, I was able to get a price to my liking on a round trip flight with British Airways. O'hare to Heathrow and back for $550. Economy standard, no less. Which means, I can check a bag. Considering, I could easily get by with carry-on allowances, I'll be able to bring along some local brews. @neph93 , consider that blonde stout a done deal.
I do have a couple of details to iron out. My passport expired, this past August. But, that is a fairly easy fix. I'm also deliberating a rental car, as a bundle with the flight would only add around $100 to the tab. Buses, trains, and ferries would do, but the costs would be fairly similar, and I'd be at their mercies. If there is any reason I should avoid a rental, I'd love to hear it.
As it stands, I'll be busting my Gos Vegas cherry, this September. Please, be gentle.
i rented one for the kanreki and i'll do it again.. depends on what you wanna do and how long you're gonna be there for. but i rather decide my own travel time than be at the mercy of a time table. plus i love driving so it can't get any worse..
That’s an easy one: The Brits drive on the wrong side of the road.
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hold up. we drive on the right side for sure….
I'll be able to bring along some local brews. @neph93 , consider that blonde stout a done deal.
Damn I tagged the wrong guy in the beer thread. Serves me right for posting in the beer thread with a beer hangover ::) Sorry dude.
Great to hear that you're coming. We'll be lodging at the same place by the sounds of things. With regards to car rental I've always used public transport as I find it cheap and convenient and I'm used to getting around the UK that way but at those prices a car seems like a fair bet. Check with Spring Gardens with regards to parking though. That can be an issue in the UK.