Bitch Please… FAKE Iron Heart?
Has anyone ever seen a fake 33? I ask because I bought one used and one of the pockets is a bit crooked
I have not seen a fake. But there was one batch of 33's where some of the pockets were not perfectly aligned and no one noticed through 3 sets of QC. Funnily enough some people loved it whist overs hated it. Not trying to excuse the imperfection, but in the main, no one will ever notice a slightly pissed pocket…..
I notice it lol . At least I didn't pay full price for it. Other than the pockets driving me a bit mad this is a very nice shirt
I'm sure I won't even notice the pocket after a few wears
I won’t link to any particular sale or profile, but searching for Iron Heart gear on eBay will yield several prominent Japanese sellers.
Different accounts advertise the same items, sharing the same photos. They seem to have an awful lot of inventory between them.
Knowing Iron Heart is a Japanese brand, are these just third parties trading in bulk… or possibly stolen from the factory?
@Weft 4 Dead I've seen that too. But all the stuff appears to be used. Seems too good to be true.
Could be legit, but listing it as used is more under-the-radar than advertising hundreds of brand-new items for a private seller
I wish someone had a duplicate 3xl grey buffalo UHF they'd sell me :c
Can anyone confirm if the tee shirts this person is selling are real?
They have quite a few designs.
Can anyone confirm if the tee shirts this person is selling are real?
They have quite a few designs.
I recognise all the designs as being ones used over the past seven or eight years. I would say they are legit.
Thank you Guys.
Thank you. I want to buy in secondary market.
@bryaneidins did you end up buying the 666 shirt? I saw that this morning and missed it
but ended up choosing the Pronto Carnival just now.
@Oaktavia I bought the grey IH one in the end. Arrived today and looks good, longer than any of my other IH tees though.
@Oaktavia I bought the grey IH one in the end. Arrived today and looks good, longer than any of my other IH tees though.
Cool man I ended up ordering two of them and good to hear they are long as I have a long torso.