IHJ-54-BLK - Japanese Horsehide Rider's Jacket with Collar - Black (Tea-Core Dye
@Brunell Please email the guys at IHUK: shop@ironheart.co.uk and they will be able to help you.
hi team - just wanted a fit check on this jacket please. I think this is probably the right size for me (L).....its fine unzipped like this, and i can zip it up but its definitely on the tighter side of things if i do, and doesn't look as good. I have a bit of a weird shaped body with narrower shoulders but a broader chest for my size, so its always a case of comprising somewhere for me (fitting to my torso or to my shoulders and arms) and i think this jacket is better fitted to the latter as i probably wouldn't zip it up that often anyway.........but just wanted some second opinions please!
Damn you @weftyarn
Here’s the sleeve update nobody asked for.
But we al wanted
@weftyarn I’m here for it
@weftyarn getting so close to pulling the trigger
@weftyarn fan fucking fabulous
@doubletee why are you hid(e)ing?
@weftyarn 🫣 here she is. Tried on the brown and wow what a fu*king jacket. Managed to pick up a practically new black for a bargain. What d’yall think?
That looks absolutely perfect to me.
@cityofdelusion thanks man. It is such an amazing jacket
@doubletee Agreed, and you pull it off really good. Wear it in good health, man!
@doubletee It's hard to get a good idea of the fit when it's not zipped.
A minor concern would be the length of the sleeves. They look perfect now but if the arms are not creased yet, they will shorten in the future. See the photo from @weftyarn in the elevator a few posts up for a good example of this creasing.