Random questions to which you seek an answer
They might fall into that category, but maybe these? @seanocono
Those look like they may be more fast-drying than water-resitant.
Kuhl tends to break the mold of the tech/mountain wear brands (but perhaps not enough for what you want)
https://www.kuhl.com/kuhl/mens/water-resistant-pants/ -
How much prep goes into sourcing, dyeing and weaving aspero cotton? I think it’s such a great fabric and is what separates IH from other brands. Kinda curious why Haraki San chose aspero over regular cotton and what he would do if there ever was an aspero shortage.
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A shit load…..
It is hyper-expensive and H has tried many alternatives, he has also tried weaving with Aspero in the weft and another long-staple cotton in the warp (and vica versa ) with results that don't make us smile. So go big or go home - 100% Aspero for us.
If there is a shortage, we're fucked....
Oh, and we only know of one guy/one loom who can weave it the way we like…
Lets hope this man lives for a very very long time.
A shit load…..
It is hyper-expensive and H has tried many alternatives, he has also tried weaving with Aspero in the weft and another long-staple cotton in the warp (and vica versa ) with results that don't make us smile. So go big or go home - 100% Aspero for us.
If there is a shortage, we're fucked....
Thanks. If there were a shortage I’d still buy IH flannels even if they were woven with regular cotton. Were IH’s older flannels woven with long staple cotton? Or are UHF’s with aspero a recent fabric that came about 7-8 yrs ago?
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That was an great question @gaseousclay, its certainly a very cool thing…Aspero cotton...like you I would still buy IH flannels as they are quite the best! Cool to hear some behind the scenes stuff.
On the topic of UHFs. I was curious how people wash them with regards to buttoning them. I have always buttoned the cuffs, turned inside out and left the rest unbuttoned. Does anyone keep them completely buttoned up? I suppose this could also go in the no stupid questions thread, to maybe lessen the blow of this being a stupid question..
On the topic of UHFs. I was curious how people wash them with regards to buttoning them.
However they are buttoned when I pick them off the bedroom floor, which is to say, probably not very buttoned at all, but I couldn’t tell you for sure…
I button everything on my western shirts, cuffs, pockets & placket. I flip the collar up and turn inside out. Immediately after the spin cycle is done I take it out, smooth the wrinkles as best I can, and hang to dry. While still slightly damp, I like to turn rightside out and unbutton everything. Sometimes I wear it while still damp to activate the creases again (only on my denim jacket & cpo's), sometimes I just put it on for a few minutes and bend my arms and things and then hang it back up, and sometimes I just let it dry completely (the uhf's).
The snaps on the westerns are serious enough that I feel better if they aren't banging around on my beautiful aspero. I'm sure it's unlikely to do harm, but just like my IH zippers (which will cut you!), it is better safe than sorry.
On the workshirts, maybe you could hypothesize that buttoning them up would increase the stress on the stitching holding the button to the shirts and potentially shortening the lifespan of that thread? But you might also argue that if they aren't buttoned up, the button might catch on something in the wash and stress the thread?
Hope this works? Apologies if I'm not doing this correctly. I am a forum noob
So. I discovered IH a little less than a year ago and have been completely obsessed with the high level of workmanship in these garments. I'm a tall, skinny dude that has a hard time finding clothing that fits well, and add to that all the shrinking properties of raw denim(which I'm also still trying to figure out)… Anyway, I've had quite a journey of buying/returning, and buying/soaking/cryingthatitshrunktoomuch/reordering. As of now, I have a nice little pile of IH denim jackets and a couple UHF that are not returnable since I've soaked them. I need to sell some of these lovely pieces... What are your experiences selling here vs Ebay or Grailed or something? Any ideas? I really appreciate this community... I've definitely read the forums and looked at pics you guys have posted on each of the items I've purchased prior to pulling the trigger... Thanks for your time!
Sell here….audience is lower, but you know you have a knowledgeable base. Ebay and grailed are full of cheapskates, only looking for a deal. Unless you need cash fast, I wouldn't bother with those. I've gotten some truly ridiculous offers for things on ebay....was selling a new pair of jeans, rare and retail was something like $450....someone offered me $75 when I didn't realize ebay had opened the listing for offers. It took ALL of my willpower not to respond that I would rather soak them in gas and burn them in a pile on my front lawn then sell them to that jackoff.
P.S. ebay sucks
Welcome to the forums!
I'm going to echo a lot of what @DigitalPopsicle already said but I always sell here first. The members are friendly, no one's going to try to gouge you, and you're not going to get ripped off, especially if you sell to a member with history in the forums.
And you don't have to limit your sales to IH stuff. Lots of members list stuff from other brands.
But sure, you might not sell as quickly and maybe not for as much, but the headaches you'll save are worth it.
And, if you care (I do), whatever you sell here is likely to find a good home where someone will really appreciate it.
With the snaps, it’s more the female part of the snap that I’m concerned about. The male half is pretty smooth and harmless, but the inside of the female snap has an edge to it that might eventually snag something at sometime. Better safe than sorry for me, even though the likelihood of an issue is minimal. “First world problems” type of thing