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@Oaktavia my pleasure, sir!
Somwhere round 45-60min should be good. Give it a good swish around when it is thoroughly wet and again before you take it out. Then use fresh cold water from the shower head to rinse it off.
Perfect thank you again. That is how I have washed my jeans in the past and they have come out smelling nice. I guess I was just worried about this jacket but I'm not sure why not as it seems all of the same rules apply…?
I do occasionally wash things by hand,and I’d recommend,at some point squeezing the soap through the jacket,especially in the armpit area. I repeat the squeezing at some point during the rinse,to be sure to get all the soap out. Good luck. @Oaktavia
Washed this afternoon. As hot as the tub went for an hour with detergent and dish soap. Smell seemed gone at first whiff.
Hanging dry now. Gave the jacket some pulls while damp. I could feel the denim stretch at every effort I gave it. Maybe will see some evo tomorrow from the wash?
Thanks for the information all that gave it.
It may depend on the deodorant that you wear as well. This may not help with what your going through now, but may help in the future. A bunch of years ago the Airline misplaced my luggage going to Europe. I went out and found this Nivea Anti perspirant. Unfortunately its not sold in the US, but I have found it in Europe and South America and usually stock pile it. When I use it, my shirts alone stay fresh for many wearing's
. Also, it doesn't leave crystals in the shirts as many US brands do. There are some similar types now sold, but I don't know why Nivea doesn't sell it in the US,
But, for those of us who dont wear anti-perspirants the sweaty pits do eventually leave to underarm odor.
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I wear an unscented natural deodorant,and have none of the above problems. Toms of Maine.
Toms of Maine always reminds me of this Todd Barry bit: http://www.cc.com/video-clips/3onu4z/uncensored–-lemongrass-deodorant
Anyone able to point me in a direction of a pull down leather tufted boot. Ive been thinking of this lately and want to see what it would look like. Not just the side tufted but the whole boot. Kinda like the supreme Nike blazers.
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Does IHUK have any kind of sale for black friday?
Does IHUK have any kind of sale for black friday?
Does the "upload pictures" button work for everyone else?
Strange, I don't do anything different than usual. But thank you!
Keep rubbing it in (notice that I could not use a meme)