Random questions to which you seek an answer
Did I just partially ruin these ducks by ironing the outer serged seam set on the "cotton" setting? I was ironing normally, moving constantly and not dwelling. Before I knew it I was smelling plastic and saw shriveled thread.
This is pretty common for me to iron jeans coming out of the washer/dryer since it usually ends up flattened.
@pechelman I get this is really annoying but I think you’ll be fine (I’ve made similar mistakes, although not with IH stuff so far). The main seam may well be ok and if you spot any weaknesses it should be easy enough to fix with a few stitches.
Thanks guys. Some of the thread completely melted as if there wasn't any cotton or it also burned up. Pretty surprising with how fast this happened. What's really annoying is that the only reason I normally do this is because that double layer of fabric usually pinches me knee when bending; now I'm left with a bunch of spikey plastic bits that's kinda abrasive.
What do you think is the jeans cut that allows for the greatest freedom of movement (for hiking, climbing, cycling etc.)?
Cheers @Alex for the quick reply!
How is true goodness understood?
@RobeOfTheMagi ???
That's what it sometimes says on the cardboard back pocket adverts of the jeans. Is that an inside joke?
"It acquires because of the 100% cotton. And true goodness is understood."
@RobeOfTheMagi It may be one of those quirky Japanese to English translations that we all love.
I see! It’s quite cool, that it’s never been changed !
Yeah, that’s a cool statement!
I’m really curious how the following chart/data is useful for the Stubborn Crew. It only gives them circa 6 days of advance info on item launch, so obviously not a useful predictor for production purposes. With that confusion in my head I have been lax at answering NO/MAYBE/YES, do it only sometimes even if my decision is already clear on said item.
Are you comparing ‘week old customer purchase intention’ with actual purchases?
Are you ramping up IHUK internet bandwidth if a mad rush to buy is foreseen to avoid website crashes?