IHSH-235-OLV - 13oz Military Serge Western Shirt - Olive
I got it from Self Edge. They still have some. Just saying.
I got it from Self Edge. They still have some. Just saying.
Shipping from the US to Europe is not an option for me! I'm looking for a Small and as far as I know I can't get that in Europe at the moment!
My IHSH-235 olive is showing up today from Self Edge. I'm pumped!
Great shirt, perfect fit and cool pic @FairlyVague I’m digging that hat too.
I need something in this fabric.
Great shirt, perfect fit and cool pic @FairlyVague I’m digging that hat too.
I've meaning to say both these things since I say the shot in passing on the weekend. Love it all.
I’m normally between an XL and XXL, and I opted for the XL since it was a little on the larger side for the measurements. Did I make the wrong choice?
Nope. you did not. Looks trim and fitted. Very good imho.
Also this news makes me ecstatic as I am a small XL. L measurements have always tempted me and when these came up slightly bigger I took the risk.
How did the smaller size turn out??
I may be in the same boat. Usually, I size at XXL however, wish i had gone with an XL given the larger dimensions. Now I may have to deal with Self Edge with their restrictive return policy and the lack of an XL in-stock. ugh.
@neph93 As usual looking tip top!
That shirt does look great on you Reuben, but I know the feeling. I still feel the same way about my navy garment dyed shirt, and it sits new in the bag. I’ve worn it at work a few times to try and talk myself into saying it fits, but I think it’s a little small.
…looks great neph93!
...buttons aren't pulling, just lay-off the bench presses!
Wow. Looks great on ya.
Yeah. Store credit is what their policy is. If IH does intend on restocking in near future, perhaps I just send back and wait until the slimmer size comes back around.
…wore my IHSH-235-OLV w/ copper pimpage today also!
...great shirt and you wear it well!
@Brock You rock!