Random Announcements
They're not the kind of cheeseburger you'd expect. I'll snap a pic later on
It looks like this. We don't put it between a bun, just with some veggies on the side and some slices of bread.
Awright, jdl. A little endurance paid off. I hope this trend keeps on the up and up.
My thoughts exactly, way to be JDL.
Week of vacation's over… Four more to go... I was worried about gaining weight... I didn't drink anything under 10% and drank by the buckets full... Still watched my food intake though... This morning: 72.5 kgs. So fucking happy.
Can't wait to go on my yearly medical check-up and surprise the doctor who said "I could stand to lose a couple of kilograms" last year when I clocked in at 84 kgs... IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT ME TO DO DOC?..
Not so quick guys, we talked tonight and the end result wasn't good. She says she wants a divorce and can't keep on like this. Yet we parted with a friendly embrace, and agreed not to rush anything. I'm hoping given time such will change, but if not, I am happy with the 12 years we had, and the beautiful kids she gave me. Heartbroken and glad to be leaving town for a few days.
I made it safely to San Diego. We had a great road trip and made lots of cool stops along the way. I'm now in my new place in PB sitting on a camping chair on my balcony. Our household goods don't arrive for two more weeks, but by the end of next week at least I'll have internet.
Here's a picture of the desert in AZ!
Did you punch that cactus for flipping you the bird?
Also, PM me your address when you are ready for my wabash extras, I swear I have them.
Glad you made it safely man, those are some impressive cactus.
Moved to some new rooms at work, now we have a balcony, pretty cool stuff!!! Nice view over the whole workshop
Randomly happy at having a Facebook chat with my favourite author (Robert Twigger) today after he accepted my friend request. Lovely bloke too.
Man, it feels like forever since i've posted on here. But boy howdy does it feel nice to be back.
Quick announcement for me, I got my first real job! I'll be teaching snot-nosed kids at a Catholic school! Part of why i'm at a Catholic and not a public is because this school will allow me to teach whilst i look into a credentialing program; something my unified school district wont do.
Also, i'm not sure how much it has been said, but congrats to my german homies!
Great to see you back DEP, and congrats on the job man
Thanks mega! Glad to be back! Lol, i'm pretty sure your son knows his way around this website better than I do at the moment! hahahaa
Great to see you back DEP, and congrats on the job man