Random Announcements
I'm going to be spending the next few days unplugged in case you're wondering where I'm at… I'll be getting some much needed r and r. I'll be back before the Pittsburgh hangout on the 25th and definitely for the FW21 reveal. XX
Enjoy your well deserved R&R @Filthy !
Indeed, we'll hold it down in your absence, good sir. Enjoy!
Thanks gentlemen @motojobobo @tvenuto
I couldn't stay away too long.
Iron Heart forum addict.
I just entered a raffle for a chance to PURCHASE a new graphics card. We were talking about cryptocurrency the other day and this is the main reason why I don't like it, is because it has made new video cards virtually impossible to buy. I wish they would regulate it and also make scalping illegal. Within reason, like maybe selling a new product for more than a 25 percent margin illegal. Old stuff, antiques, collectibles or whatever can remain as is.
I was going to post this in the jokes thread. But it’s not a joke…
I've got one shirt I loved, and somehow it just…disappeared. Didn't let anyone borrow it, it just vanished.
Been digging into Edward Curtis' amazing work of late: https://www.si.edu/spotlight/edward-sheriff-curtis
Great biography by Timothy Egan: Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis
For about 24 hours when I post, the page hangs and doesn't refresh. My post is actually there when I reload the page though.
I am on mobile and Google Chrome
I had this on my mobile today and it ended up double posting
Nah something does seem to be going on with the forum. I'm on mobile chrome