Random Announcements
all the best @Kasi and family
Glad to hear that he has pulled through!
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Great to hear this Mo AKA Kasi, and the real Kasi.
…happy all is well dos @Kasi!
Sending you and your family love, love, love @Kasi
3 months ago today, 16th April 2022, my mum sadly died. She was 73 years old with the energy, drive and passion of a woman 20 years younger. She was one of four sisters and was the youngest of the bunch. She was on her way to see her older sister, to help her with shopping which was something she did often. My mum was always helping other people.
At around 10am on 16/4/2022 my mum was driving down Budby Road, Cuckney, on the A616 near Mansfield. On the other side of the road was a car sat stationary, waiting to turn into Hazel Gap Barn, waiting for my mums car to pass by before making the turn. A third car, on the same side of the road as the stationary car was approaching at speed and hadn't noticed that the car ahead was stationary. At the last instant the car took avoiding action and turned away from the stationary car into the oncoming lane.
My mum was pronounced dead at the scene at approx 10:30am. The driver who caused the head on collision went to hospital with serious injuries. The driver in the stationary car went to hospital with non life threatening injuries.
Over the last three months our lives haven't felt like our own. We have had to attend to my mums funeral and make arrangements with her house. As her only child the organising has fallen on me but with the support of Jules we have made it through to this point. Living 200 miles from my mums house we have been making regular trips to and from her place to manage and implement the activities that typically follow the death of a loved one.
We left her house for the last time last yesterday, leaving it ready for handover to a new owner which is still some months away. The whirlwind that has been the last three months has now settled and the reality of being without my mum is sinking in.
The forum is many things to many people and right now it has helped me to write about what happened to my mum and to post this. RIP Yvonne Judy Roberts
Thats great to hear Mo. Prayers Do work! Hope you can go home soon @Kasi .
Condolences @den1mhead that sounds very tough.
My sincere condolences @den1mhead, so sad to lose a loved one like this.
Yea man –sorry to hear that ...condolences to you both.
So sorry @den1mhead what a nightmare…..
Sorry to hear this @den1mhead. That sounds really tough.
I'm reading this exactly 4 years after I lost my mum (although my sister and I had about 6 months to prepare for the inevitable). I can't begin to imagine what you have been through.
^ Thanks fellas for your kind and considered words which are truly appreciated