Random Announcements
Yes, Merry Christmas to everyone here! I love you all!
Cheers Rafa, and I've been told that as we have friends over tomorrow afternoon that I can dip into "the good stuff"
Warm thoughts going out to Granny Beats, get well soon and be home to enjoy Christmas with your family
thoughts go out to granny beats & the family. get well soon
Granny Beats could use some warm thoughts …she fell this morning and is at the hospital right now..praying that she´ll be home for Christmas eve
Thoughts and prayers are with her. Get well soon Granny!
Granny Beats could use some warm thoughts …she fell this morning and is at the hospital right now..praying that she´ll be home for Christmas eve
Family deserve to be together come this time of year. Hopefully the powers that be feel the same way.
+1…hope granny beats can/will enjoy the time with her family at christmas eve and on the holidays as well...hope she can make profit of that lined blanket she got a few months ago...much love to you granny beats